WFDA Rule Book 2011

2015 WFDA
2016 WFDA
WFDA 2014
WFDA Top Gun Magazine
2013 Contests & Year End Standings
Area 5 2013 State Championship
2012 Contests and Year End Standings
2011 Chairman Year End Standings
2011 Vice Chairman Contests
2011 Chairman Contests
2009 Overall Year End Final Standings
WFDA Rule Book 2011
2010 Chairman Contests
2010 Vice Chairman
2010 Year End Standings
2015 Membership Form






2010-2011 Executive Officers

Chairman : Dave Livingston

Secretary: Dan Qualls Treasurer: Miles Miller


The By-Laws and Rules contained in this book are the result of

many years of development and modification to provide safe

and fair regulations for all Fast Draw competitions. From the

initial version of these regulations changes have been made over

time to adapt to the evolution of equipment and to make

competition more fair and enjoyable for all participants while

maintaining our heritage of safety and good sportsmanship.

David Livingston, Chairman







A. Name and Purpose 1

B. Goal 1

C. Board of Directors 1

D. Officers 2

E. Term of Office 4

F. Voting 5

G. Membership 5

H. Code of Ethics 6


A. Chairman Sanction 6

B. Vice Chairman Sanction 8

C. Bidding System 9

D. Contestant Requirements 9

E. Safety Rules 10

F. Annual Awards 11

G. Records 14


A. General 15

B. Gun 15

C. Holster Open Style 16

D. Holster Traditional Style 16

E. Target and Timing Equipment 17

F. Ammunition 20


A. General 21

B. Scoring 23

C. Events 27

D. Traditional Style Contests Policy and Purpose 30

E. Twisting Style Contests Policy and Purpose 30

F. Open Style Contests Policy and Purpose 30

G Traditional Open Style 30

H. Hollywood Division 31


A. Host Responsibilities 31

B. Site Selection 32

C. Site Preparation 32

D. Dry Fire Area 33


A. Hammer Height 34

B. Hammer Width 34

C. Barrel Size 35

D. Trigger Guard 35

E. Barrel Length 36

F. Holster Gauge 36

G. Holster Open Style 37

H. Holster Traditional Style 37

I. Hand Clearance 38

J. Double Target Layout 38

K. Balloon Target 39












The organization shall be called WORLD FASTDRAW ASSOCIATION INC.,

hereinafter referred to as W.F.D.A. or the Association. Its purpose is to govern,

preserve and promote the sport of Fastdraw.


Its goal is to provide a safe, competitive and legitimate sport, which retains the

tradition of the American West.


The powers of the W.F.D.A shall be exercised, its property controlled, and its

affairs conducted by the Board of Directors.

1. The board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Officers, a

minimum of ten (10) Area Vice-Chairmen and the IROI (Int'l, Range Officers

Institute) director.

2. The Chairman shall serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors.

3. It is mandatory that the Board meet once a year. The Chairman may

convene a Board meeting no sooner than thirty (30) days after written notice has

been given to each Board member.

4. The Board of Directors shall establish long-range goals for the W.F.D.A.

5. All proposals to amend or change the Rules & By-Laws must be printed

in the "OFFICIAL PUBLICATION" at least thirty (30) days in advance to any


6, Proposals to amend or change the Rules & By-Laws are to be voted on

only at the first Board meeting of the year. Exceptions to this will be safety rules or

proposals the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer deem are of emergency nature,

and they must be in complete agreement that an emergency vote is needed.

7. Proposals to amend or change the rules & B-Laws sent to the Chairman

for publication must be worded into by-law form stating appropriate sections of the

rule book and must be signed. Wording but not meaning of proposals may be

amended before voting at the B.O.D. meeting, if agreeable to whoever made the

proposal. The name of the member (s) making the proposal will be published with

the proposal.

8. Only the Board shall approve or disapprove changes to the Rules & By-

Laws. Each member of the Board shall have one (1) vote, except the Chairman

who will only vote to break a tie and the IROI Director who is a Non voting

member of the B.O.D. At least fifty (50) percent of the board must be present to


9. A simple majority shall be required to approve any measure unless

otherwise stipulated herein. At Board meetings votes by mail or telephone will not

be accepted. Proxy votes shall not be allowed, except by alternates (D. 2 and 3),

any member of the Board may designate an alternate to vote in their absence.


10. The Chairman may veto any changes to the By-Laws approved by the

Board provided said veto occurs within fifteen (15) days after voting.

11. The Board may override a Chairman's veto if two-thirds(2/3) of the total

Board, excluding the Chairman, vote to do so within the thirty (30) days of veto


12. A member may challenge an amendment or change to the Rules & By-

Laws by presenting a petition with seventy-five (75) signatures of members within

sixty (60) days of the issuance of a new rule book or notification. The petition must

be submitted to the Chairman. The Chairman has thirty (30) days to prepare a

ballot and present the amendment or change to the general membership for vote.

The amendment or change shall be enforced until voting is tallied and the results

published. Each amendment or change must have a separate petition: members

from any area can sign petitions.

13. Any change in safety Rules must be enforced immediately.

14. The Board shall have the authority to remove elected officials from

office (by majority vote) if said officers are not abiding by all W.F.D.A. Rules &

By-Laws: if said officers conduct themselves in a manner unbecoming of W.F.D.A.

officers: if it is apparent they're not doing their job as set forth in W.F.D.A Rules &

By-Laws: of if through their actions show that they are not supporting the W.F.D.A.

and office held.

15. The board may authorize a change or addition to the Rule Book that is to

benefit the shooters or the W.F.D.A. Association at any time during the current

year, not have to wait till the following year.


1. The executive Officers elected by the general membership are: the

Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer.

2. The Executive Officers will have the right to designate an alternate to

represent their office at the board meeting if they are unable to attend. The

designated alternate will have the same voting privileges. This will be

accomplished by a letter of authorization.

3. A Vice Chairman for each designated area will be elected by the

members who reside in that Vice Chairman's area. Vice Chairmen shall have

authority over all sanctioned contests in their area. When absent, the Vice

Chairman must appoint an alternate with the same duties to officiate at a contest.

This will be accomplished by a letter of authorization.

4. The Chairman is the highest officer in the W.F.D.A. and is the

spokesman. The Chairman is also Chairman of the Board of Directors and shall

conduct all meetings. The Chairman may delegate authority to those

representatives of the W.F.D.A. as needed to facilitate W.F.D.A. business.

5 An established Vice Chairman area may be changed if the Chairman and

Vice Chairman of the area feel the adjustment is essential and beneficial to

W.F.D.A. members.


5 An established Vice Chairman area may be changed if the Chairman and Vice

Chairman of the area feel the adjustment is essential and beneficial to W.F.D.A.


6 .The Chairman may establish new Vice Chairman areas as needed to provide for

geographical and representational situations.

7. The Executive officers and the Editor of Top Gun Magazine shall receive free

entry fees (while in office) to any sanctioned contest. A Vice Chairman shall

receive free entry fees (while in office) to any sanctioned contest held in the Vice

Chairman's area. Alternates are not entitled to free entry fees.

8. The Chairman shall have the authority to:

A. Represent the F.F.D.A. in communications, transactions, and other

arrangements with businesses, the public, communications media,

contest hosts, contest sponsors, other shooting groups, federal, state and

local government agencies and other persons, or groups for the purpose

of conducting W.F.D.A. Business or furthering the sport of Fast Draw.

B. Sanction or refuse to sanction as specified in the document.

C. Remove a previously granted sanction at any time if contest

conditions, specifications, and rules are ignored or violated.

D. Assign Board members and other volunteer W.F.D.A. members to

committees and appoint committee Chairmen.

E. Initiate and publish rule changes.

F. Levy fines against competitors who argue with or abuse contest

officials as specified in Part II, Section D, #8, of these By-Laws.

G. Remove a member from the W.F.D.A. as specified in this document.

H. Direct an audit of the W.F.D.A.'s financial records.

I. Direct Vice Chairmen and contest officials to follow the rules as

stated herein. The Chairman has final authority in rule and policy

interpretation and enforcement.

J. Appoint a Publicity Director to enhance the public image of Fast

Draw. The Publicity Director will release regular reports to news media,

gun magazines, and other publications regarding Fast Draw activities

and other pertinent news.

K. Publish monthly "OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS" to the membership.

L. The Chairman or Publicity Officer shall have exclusive right to

designate complimentary PUBLICATIONS to whomever they deem

favorable on behalf of the W.F.D.A. At the end of the year, recipients

will be asked to indicate whether they wish to have the favor continued.

9. The Secretary shall:

A. Keep minutes of all W.F.D.A. meeting.

B. Keep an accurate up-to-date file on all W.F.D.A. members including

name, address, and due date, Send each member a membership card.

C. Correspond with all members and others as specified by the


D. Keep the Official rulebook accurate and up-to-date.

E. Conduct an annual Membership Drive Contest.

F. Assist the Chairman and Treasures as needed.

G. Act in the Chairman's place when the Chairman is absent.


10. The Treasurer shall:

A. Keep and maintain all financial records.

B. Submit a quarterly financial report to the membership.

C. Prepare or cause to be prepared Income Tax Statements, as needed.

D. Submit the W.F.D.A. fiancial records to the Chairman or

designated audit team for audits as directed by the Board.

E. Act in the Chairman's place when the Chairman and Secretary are


11. The Executive Officers shall not:

A. Override an official's decision made during a contest unless it

involves policy or By-Law interpretations.

B. Remove a Vice Chairman or W.F.D.A. officer from office.

C. Use W.F.D.A. funds for any purpose other than official W.F.D.A.


D. Engage in any commercial activity or business for personal profit

that may result in a conflict of interest with the W.F.D.A.

E. Hold office in any other Fast Draw Association or club while bolding

office in the W.F.D.A.

12. The Vice Chairman or his/her alternate shall:

A. Represent W.F.D.A. members who reside in their area in matters

brought before the Board of Directors.

B. Act as head official at sanctioned contests in their area.

C. Shall collect contest results for Vice Chairman sanctioned contests,

check scores for accuracy, publish the results in the TOP GUN MAG.,

and maintain Area Top Gun point standings.

D. The Vice Chairman shall post current overall standings of the Vice

Chairman contests in his area, at all of the Vice Chairman contests in his


E. The Vice Chairman specifically has the following authority:

1. To sanction or refuse an area sanction.

2. To levy fines as specified in Part I, Section C, #8, herein.

3. Remove an area sanction at any time if contest conditions,

specifications, and rules contained in this document are ignored or


4. Initiate and publish rule changes.

13. The Vice Chairman or his/her alternate shall not:

A. Override an official's decision made during sanction contests unless

it involves policy or by-law interpretation.

B. Use W.F.D.A. funds for any purpose other than official W.F.D.A.


C. Engage in any commercial activity or business for personal profit

that may result in a conflict of interest with the W.F.D.A.


1. The term of office for Executive Officers shall be two (2) years

beginning January 1st of the next year.

2. ** The term of office for Area Vice Chairman shall be two (2) years

beginning January 1st and ending December 31st of the next year.


3. All elected officers will be nominated in October and voted on in November.

4. There shall be no limit to terms an individual may hold an office.

5. There shall be a maximum of three (3) Executive Chairmen elected by the

Board. The Executive Chairmen have no vote on the Board, but act only in an

advisory capacity. They have no privileges as an elected officer and shall be

invited to all Board meeting.


1. All voting shall be conducted by official ballots by mail. The

secretary will prepare a ballot for all Executive Officers and Vice-Chairmen

candidates. Each area's ballots shall be a different color. Ballots will be sent

directly to each member with an official pre-addressed return envelope. Only

these envelopes and ballots can be used. These envelopes will be sent directly to

a Notary Public chosen by the Chairman. The Notary Public will place a check

next to the name of each member who voted, on a W.F.D.A. membership list by

using the return address on the official envelope. Ballots will then be removed in

a manner to keep them anonymous.

2. Each member of the W.F.D.A. shall have one vote and a maximum of two

votes per family where family membership fees are paid.

3. All ballots will be mailed to a Notary Public. That individual will count the

ballots and submit the results to the Executive Officers.

4. When voting for new officers, the members will be allowed thirty (30) days to

return their ballots from the date they were sent to the members.

5. September 1st (postmarked by) is the specified deadline for new memberships

and past due renewals to be eligible to participate in nominations and elections

for that year.


Membership Renewal dues shall be $45 per year plus $15 insurance. Total $60

Additional Family Members ( spouse &children under 18) shall be $20 plus $10

insurance each, Total $30. When children reach 18, they become a full member.

All membership dues are due on February 10th.

New members receive a Rule Book, WFDA patch and lapel (hat) pin.

Year begins February 11th each year. Cost is $45 + $15 Insurance, $10 Initiation

fee Total $70.

Additional Family Member is $20, + $10 Insurance, + $10 Initiation fee, Total


New members paying dues on October 1st or later in the year will pay full

amount. This will cover the balance of the current year plus the entire following


All members must pay yearly insurance fees including Life Members.

Life membership was put on a moratorium until further notice!

4. It is recommended, full members residing within the U.S. should also be a

member of The National Rifle Association.

5. Full members residing out of the U.S. shall pay an extra $5.00 Canadian, and

all other countries $20, to cover extra postage for Top Gun Magazine, Side Kick,

Ect. mailings.


6. Any member who receives four (4) points in the Membership

Drive shall receive a one (1) year free membership. To be used the following


7. Honorary membership status shall be conferred on non-shooters by

the agreement of any two Executive Officers for extraordinary contribution to

Fast Draw and their shooting sports. They shall pay no dues but shall have full

membership rights until terminated at the request of the honorary member.

8. The W.F.D.A. agrees to send all members a "TOP GUN" magazine bi-monthly

(One per family), except when new member signs up during a special promotion.

9. Each new member shall receive a membership card, patch, and


10. After accepting membership in the W.F.D.A., the member agrees to:

A. Uphold all decisions made by the Board of Directors.

B. Follow W.F.D.A. rules at all times.

C. Honor contests sanctioned by the W.F.D.A.

D. Encourage non-members to join the W.F.D.A.

E. Back the W.F.D.A. in disciplining members who do not honor

their obligations as set forth in the Rules & By-Laws.


W.F.D.A. Professional Fast Draw Artists should honor the following:

1. Make every effort to comply with all By-Laws of the W.F.D.A. as published

and intended.

2. Conduct themselves at all times in a professional manner.

3. When attending non-W.F.D.A. functions, shall not represent on behalf of the

W.F.D.A. unless authorized to do so

4. When endorsing a product, shall not allow their names to be used in such a

manner as to misrepresent the quality of such product.

5. Among fellow competitors, shall exercise the common courtesy befitting

Professional Fast Draw Artist and sportsmen.

6. By unanimous decision of the Executive Officers, contestants who

repeatedly act in an un-sportsman like manner may have their membership

revoked or be disqualified from further competition until they show a

willingness to abide by W.F.D.A. rules and behave in a sportsmanlike

manner. Censured contestants will be notified in writing before the next

sanctioned contest.



1 . A chairman sanction maybe granted when the following are supplied to

the Chairman:

a. A sanction fee of $200.00 plus $10.00 per shooter (payable after first

day of the contest).

b. A complete list of prizes and awards.

c. A list of events.

d. A date for the contest.


2. The granted prize structure shall be no less than $3,000.00 in U.S.

funds and paid out in U.S. funds, or local currency equivalence, in cash

excluding trophies, merchandise, or other awards.

3. A minimum of ten (10) trophies in the Men’s Division and five (5) in

the Women’s Division shall be awarded to the overall place winners.

4. An award shall be given to the first place winner in each event in the

Men’s and Women’s Divisions.

5. The Men’s and Women’s Champion shall receive an emblem from the

W.F.D.A. stating the contest, year and title.

6. Any sanction ( Chairman or Vice-Chairman) may be canceled under

the following conditions:

a. Excessive timing equipment malfunctions.

b. Contest prizes and awards are not present at the close of a

contest or are less than advertised in the latest "TOP GUN"

magazine or official announcement.

c. The host fails to provide adequate facilities as specified in Part


d. The contest events are not as advertised in the latest "TOP


e. For failure to enforce W.F.D.A. Rules and By-Laws.

f. Any W.F.D.A. member who does not wish to compete in the

contest after the cancellation of the sanction shall have his full

entry fee returned by the individual, sponsor, or hosting


7. There shall be at least two (2) weeks between Chairman sanctioned

contests. Vice Chairman sanctioned contests may be held on the same

weekend in any other noncontiguous area, or when held in conjunction

with a Chairman Sanctioned contest. When Vice Chairman sanctioned

contests are held in other Areas on the same weekend as any Chairman

Sanctioned contest the Area Top Gun Points will not be tallied, but

mission count point will be recognized. There will be no sanctions

granted on the same weekend as The All-Around World Championship


8. All Chairman sanctioned contests shall be advertised in the "TOP

GUN" at least thirty (30) days from date of postmark, and must contain

all particulars for that contest. The contest will be executed as

published in the "TOP GUN" magazine..

9. World or National titles require a $200.00 sanction fee, plus $10.00 per

shooter (payable after first day of contest). The guaranteed prize

structure shall be no less than $5,000.00, in cash, excluding trophies,

merchandise, or other awards. These titles to be granted for Chairman

Sanction Contests ONLY, which meet all Chairman requirements.

10. After any sanction with a cash prize structure of $5,000.00 or more has

been granted, the sponsor will enter into a contract with the W.F.D.A.

This contract guarantees prize money on the assigned dates. The

sponsor may cancel a sanction no later than ninety (90) days prior to

the scheduled championship in writing, without recourse.


11. Sanction Fees are non-refundable.

12. All contestants in Chairman Sanctioned contests shall be W.F.D.A.


13. There will be no Chairman Sanctions granted for the contest dates after

the 2nd weekend in November and through the month of December.

14. All contest ads and contest results that are not sanctioned will require a

$30.00 fee per ¼ page PER ISSUE to publish in the “TOP GUN”

MAGAZINE. . This rate is for members only.


All requirements and conditions for granting or canceling sanctions are

the same as Chairman Sanctions with the following exceptions:

1. A Vice Chairman sanctions all Vice Chairman sanctioned contests in

his/her area.

2. The sanction fee is $30.00, plus a $5.00 per shooter fee.

3. A Vice Chairman contest can be sanctioned with minimum of $300.00

guaranteed prize structure, in U.S. funds and paid out in U.S. funds, or

local currency equivalence, in cash, excluding awards, or by a

percentage structure, excluding awards.

a. Percentage contests will be set as follows:

b. Men's Division- 1st 30%, 2nd 25%, 3rd 20%, 4th 15%, 5th 10%.

Women's Division- 1st 50%, 2nd 30%, 3rd 20%.

4. A minimum of five (5) places in Men’s Division and three (3) places in

the Women’s Division shall receive cash and trophies.

5. Vice Chairman sanctioned contests may not be held on the same

weekend within any one area, except when held in conjunction with

one another.

6. Make-ups will be allowed at Vice Chairman sanctioned contests only at

the discretion of the host, and must be advertised in the “Official

Publication”. Make-ups will be allowed only in a two-day contest and

only on the second day.

7. All contestants in a Vice-Chairman contest MUST be a W.F.D.A.

member, except when the contest is dual sanctioned with another

organization. In case of a dual sanctioned Vice Chairman contest all

contestants must be members in one of the participating organizations.

8. A Vice Chairman Contest, sanctioned by the World Fast Draw

Association (W.F.D.A.) may be dual sanctioned with another

Association. Upon request, membership cards showing member in

good standing in one of the participating organizations MUST be

shown. The 30-day grace period does not come into effect.

Contestants MUST be paid up current to participate in ANY dual

sanctioned contest. Any variation of W.F.D.A. rules must be included

in all advertisements of the contest.


9. There will be no Vice Chairman Sanctions granted after the 2nd

weekend in November and through the month of December. the month

of December.

10. All Vice-Chairman sanction contests shall be advertised 30-days from

date of contest and must contain all particulars for that contest, with the

following conditions: If the contest misses the advertising deadline and

the Chairman decides that contest may be sanctioned, providing all area

members are notified within two (2) weeks prior of said contest, the

contest may be sanctioned.


The current sponsor of a sanctioned championship will be guaranteed

a fair chance to retain the sponsorship of the same title for the

Following year. The following bid system is for this purpose:

1. The current sponsor shall submit a bid on the championship for the

following year no later than thirty (30) days after the current

championship has been completed.

2. From thirty (30) to sixty (60) days after the current championship, bids

will be accepted from the challenging sponsors. Each challenging

sponsor may submit one bid.

3. At the close of the challenging bid period, the current sponsor will

receive fifteen (15) days to top the highest bid by no less than five (5)


4. In the event that a current sponsor does not submit a bid to re-sanction

the title within thirty (30) days, the sanction will be granted to the

highest bidder after the sixty (60) day period is over. If no bid has been

received by then, the sanction will go to the first bidder that meets the

minimum requirements.

5. All bids must be sent to the Chairman or his designated appointee by

registered mail and must be postmarked no later than the deadline.

6. All bids will include the guaranteed total cash prize structure, the style,

the dates and the Title.

7. After any sanction with a prize structure of $5,000.00 or more has been

granted, the sponsor must enter into a contract with the W.F.D.A. This

contract guarantees prize money on the scheduled dates. The sponsor

may cancel a sanction no later than ninety (90) days prior to the

scheduled Championship in writing, without recourse. Sanction Fees

aren’t refundable.


1. A contestant may enter a modified gun division at a contest and may

also enter the Hollywood Gunfighter division of the contest if allowed

by the Host. Males only in Men's Division, Women may compete in the

Men's Division when necessary. . She will not receive a place in the

women's division


2. Western appearance is mandatory. Western appearance means western

boots or moccasins, western style shirt, western style pants. Hats are

optional. The only exception shall be temporary medical impairment,

which must be approved before a contest by the head official.......Ball

caps and bandannas will not be considered western wear!! No bare

mid-rift shirts will be allowed while shooting. (Safety)

3. It is the responsibility of each contestant to be available when called to

the firing line. A minimum of four (4) names shall be announced after

each contestant leaves the firing line, to alert contestants of their

competition order. Failure to report to the firing line within four (4)

minutes of being called to the firing line will result in disqualification

from that event or elimination round.

4. Contestants shall conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner and

shall not disrupt or delay the contest. Penalty: Contest disqualification.

5. Contestants who arrive at a contest after the last shot of the first event

has been fired, may still enter the contest, but must take the maximum

score for the first event or an X for the first elimination round.

6. Contestants, who are present at a contest prior to its commencement

and do not enter, will not be allowed to participate in any part of the

contest once the first shot is fired.

7. At the discretion and consent of the W.F.D.A. officer sanctioning the

contest, a physically handicapped member may compete.

8. A $25.00 fine will be levied against any contestant for arguing with or

abusing an official who is carrying out his/her duties. If a contestant

continues to argue with or abuse an official, the official is authorized to

bar that person from further participation in that contest. All fines must

be paid to the W.F.D.A. prior to participation in further sanctioned


9. All shooters, line judges, and backups, must wear protective eyeglasses

for all W.F.D.A. sanctioned events.

10. Earplugs are recommended at all times.

11. Earplugs are mandatory for blank events.


Safety Rules are the most important rules we have in the sport of Fast

Draw. Every member of the W.F.D.A. must read and fully understand

these Safety Rules.

1. The Penalty for breaking the following Rules is DISQUALIFICATION


a. Consuming or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs at

any time before or during a contest.

b. Carrying an un-holstered or uncased gun outside the shooting

area unless in a mandatory dry-fire area that has been

previously established, except for the purpose of making

adjustments, repairs or cleaning.


c. Possession of any live ammunition in the contest area.

d. Pointing a gun at another person under any circumstances.

e. Use of fancy or unsafe gun handling at any time, unless as a

demonstration requested by the host.

f. Discharging a gun while not on the firing line.

g. Disturbing the officials at the score table.

h. Turning or walking off the firing line with the gun in hand.

i. Looking down the gun barrel while on the firing line.

j. Loading or unloading a gun anywhere but on the firing line.

a. This does not apply to loading wax (only) into cylinders.

2. The Penalty for breaking the following Rules is grounds for



a. Failing to load and unload with the barrel pointed down range.

1.Downrange is defined as pointing the barrel of the gun

downward and towards the backstop and targets.

b. Failing to holster the gun while another person is down range.

c. Failing to show an official an empty gun prior to leaving the


3. Anyone within the shooting area must wear eye protection. Ear

protection must also be worn if present during a blank event; this

includes line judges, hand judges, contestant backups and photographers.


1. World Top Gun Awards, with first place Men’s and Women’s title to

be “All-Around World Champion”.

a. A competitor will earn one (1) point for each contest entered

and one (1) point for each contestant who places lower in the

overall standings at each Chairman sanctioned contest.

b. There shall be a minimum of three (3) Chairman sanctioned

contests each calendar year to qualify for World Top Gun

Awards. Points from Open and Traditional Styles will be

tallied together.

c. Awards shall be presented to top fifteen (15) Men and top

eight (8) Women.

d. The Secretary shall have all records ready for the Chairman so

that awards may be purchased and given out to winners no

later than the first quarter of the year following the winning



e. Each new record breaker (at Chairman sanctioned events only)

are to be recognized with an award OR parchment designating

his/her achievements.

f. In case of any ties, the contestant with the most contests won

during the course of the season will win the tiebreaker. If this

results in a tie their place finishes will be compared until the tie

is broken. Example; Shooter #1has one (1) 1st place and one

(1) 2nd place, Shooter #2 has two (2) 1st places: Shooter #2

wins the tie breaker. This system will also be used to break ties

for Area Awards.

2. There may be one (1) contest per year with the title of “All-Around

World Championship”, which will replace the Top Gun Awards for that


a. It must be sanctioned no later than June 1st and be held no

sooner than September 15th of that year.

b. It must have a minimum of $10,000 cash prize structure.

c. It must be by slotted invitation only.

1. Slots are earned by placing in the top twenty-five (25)

percent in any Chairman Sanctioned contest or class

during the year.

2. Slots are awarded to the Top fifteen (15) Men and Top

eight (8) Women from the prior year.

3. All-Around World Champions receive a two (2) year

exemption, otherwise must qualify as in (1) and (2)


4. The Chairman will be granted up to eight (8) slots to

disperse as necessary for international competitors or

other special considerations.

5. Slots are also earned by a system of activity credits

“Mission Count” for each area.

a. a. Each area will receive one (1) “Mission Count”

for each competitor who competes at each

sanctioned contest during the year. The Vice

Chairman of each area will keep track of the

Mission Count” on a fiscal period from June 1st

to May 30th. At that time the Chairman will

announce how many slots will be awarded to

each area based on their “Mission Count”. These

slots will be awarded according to Area Top Gun



The Vice Chairman may roll slots down to other

competitors by order of finish of members in their area

have earned slots through other means or can’t attend

the Championship.

6. Upon receiving the date, sanction fee, and the contract

for the $10,000 prize structure, the Chairman may

sanction the contest.

a. By June 15th the Chairman shall appoint a

“Championship Committee”, consisting of three

(3) Vice Chairman and the Host of the Contest. It

will be the responsibility of this committee to

choose a committee head between them. Their

duties will be as follows:

1. To pick the events to be held at the


a. The events should represent, in

proportion, the most popular events

being held at major contests.

b. The events should be chosen by taking in

to consideration time allotted and

available contest area.

c. Elimination and Index may be mixed in

this contest by using inverted

d. .There shall be one (1) event picked to be

used as a tiebreaker.

2. To establish the prize structure.

3. To aid the host in staffing the contest.

4. To prepare a report of the above items, for

approval by the Chairman, by no later than

July 15th.

5. This committee may meet at a contest or by

telephone conference. If by telephone

conference the committee head will be

reimbursed the phone charges.

3. Area Top Gun Awards are to be awarded in each qualified area.

a. A competitor will earn one (1) point for each contest entered

and one (1) point for each contestant who places lower in the

overall standing at each Vice Chairman sanctioned contest.


b. Points from Open and Traditional Styles will be tallied

together and an area must have a minimum of three (3)

sanctioned contests to qualify for Area Top Gun Awards.

c. One (1) award shall be present for every ten (10) members in

that area, with a maximum of two (2).

d. W.F.D.A. members from other areas may compete for year end

awards and will be counted towards an area’s one (1) award

per ten (10) shooter ratio providing that they compete in at

least fifty (50) percent of that area’s Vice Chairman sanctioned



1. World Records can only be established at Chairman sanctioned


2. The Secretary shall maintain a World Record list and verify all new

records with official score sheets.

3. All new single-shot or one multiple shot records must be backed up

within .030 of a second during that Index event or Elimination round. A

bye in elimination is considered a round. Three more attempts while

still on the firing line will be allowed to establish it as a record. If the

record shot or shots are not backed up as outlined above, it will be

considered an act of anticipation and will result in the loss of the shot

or shots. Shots fired only for the purpose of backing up a record will

not be used as records or for scoring a contest.

4. If a record is tied it must be also backed up as prescribed in the

previous paragraph; the contestant will be listed as a co-holder.

5. A separate set of World Records will be kept for Index, Elimination,

Open and Traditional (Men & Women) events.

6. Records will be kept for the fastest single shot or one draw multiple

shots, five (5) shot event totals and three (3) sets of doubles event


7. Shots used to determine an average or to back up a new record will not

qualify for World Records.

8. Vice Chairman contests that don’t meet minimum record requirements

will not use World Records to determine anticipation. It will be solely

up to the judge to determine anticipation.

9. Membership is to be required to be recognized as a World Record

Holder at the time the record was established. The score card must be

sent to the Secretary.

10. Silhouette and Standard Rectangle do not require separate records.


11. Step-Back and Step-Up Events do not require separate records.



Any new products to be used in the sport of Fast Draw must be

approved by the Executive Officers before using said product in

competition. All holsters and manufacturers MUST have all "New" OR

"Modified" holsters approved by the Executive Officers before selling

to any individual knowingly using for W.F.D.A. competition. .


1. Single action revolvers Western Style only may be used. No caliber

smaller than a .32 (.312) or larger than a .45 (.450) may be used. It

must be a six shooter and can only be black, blue, chrome, or steel in


a. An official and approved gauge will be used to inspect the

caliber of the barrel. If the barrel is deemed to be smaller than

.312 or larger than .450 it will be considered illegal and must

not be use in competition. (See Illustration “C”)

2. The barrel shall be no shorter than 4 5/8” and must be a rifled barrel.

a. An official and approved gauge will be used to inspect the

length of the barrel. The gauge will be set against the cylinder

and along the barrel. If the barrel is not even with or above the

sight line located on the gauge it will be deemed illegal and

must not be used in competition. (See Illustration “E”)

3. The trigger guard may be cut down, but not through. The trigger and/or

trigger shoe may not extend beyond the edge of the trigger guard on the

side of use.

4. Cylinder slots may be deepened but not cut through.

5. The hammer may not stick up or out more than ½'' from the rear center

of the top strap. (See Illustrations "A" and "B" ).

6. The hammer must hold on full and half cock when the gun is

reasonably jarred. An exception will be the New Model Ruger or other

single action revolvers, which feature safety devices on their original


7. All parts must be installed and functioning. Sights are optional.

8. The new Ruger may be modified to work the same as the old model

Ruger, with the same requirements as the old model.


9. The W.F.D.A. does not encourage the use of aluminum barrels or


10. Single action revolvers used in the Hollywood division must be stock

with original or duplicate of original parts. Action tuning and

deepening lock slots for reliability is allowed.


1. The holster must cover the entire barrel where it enters the frame, and

fifty (50) percent of the cylinder, with the gun located in a shooting

position when viewed from the side. (This shall be judged while

contestant is standing in a normal, upright position).

a. A gauge with an indicator will be placed on the front of the

boot and will be pushed in directly over the front lip. If the

point of the indicator comes in contact with the gun barrel, the

boot will be deemed illegal and must not be used in

competition. (See Illustration “F”)

2. It may not be a swivel holster or break open in any manner.

3. The gun and holster must be positioned so that the contestant can not

shoot through the bottom of the holster and hit a target. Penalty: Loss

of shot.

4. It must be western style and open at the top and bottom. The top of the

belt may be no lower than four (4) inches below the top of the

contestant’s hip bone nor the bottom of the belt be higher than four (4)

inches above the contestant’s hip bone. The top of the holster boot may

not be below the contestant’s fingertips while in a normal standing

position. Penalty: Loss of shot.

5. The inside opening at the top of the boot, including liner, may not

exceed 2 ¾” width and 4 3/8” length (See Illustration “G”). The inside

of the boot at its lip may not exceed 3 ½” from the closest part of

the contestant’s body.

6. A deflector shield may not slant towards the target or

opponent in the shooting stance. Wheel Chair competitors

must use a leather or metal leg shield.


1. The holster must cover the entire barrel where it enters the frame, and

fifty (50) percent of the cylinder, with the gun located in a shooting

position when viewed from the side. (This shall be judged while

contestant is standing in a normal, upright position).


a. A gauge with an indicator will be placed on the front of the

boot and will be pushed in directly over the front lip. If the

point of the indicator comes in contact with the gun barrel, the

boot will be deemed illegal and must not be used in

competition. (See Illustration “F”).

2. It may not be a swivel holster or break open in any manner.

3. The gun and holster shall not slant more than thirty-five (35) degrees

from a vertical plane while in a shooting stance. Penalty: Loss of shot..

4. It must be western style and open at the top and bottom. The top of the

belt may be no lower than four (4) inches below the top of the

contestant’s hip bone nor the bottom of the belt be higher than four (4)

inches above the contestant’s hip bone. The top of the holster boot may

not be below the contestant’s fingertips while in a normal standing

position. Penalty: Loss of shot.

a. For Wheel Chair Competitors, the inside opening at the top of

the boot must be within four (4) inches of the centerline of the

body torso while seated in the wheel chair. (Note: This holster

position only applies to Traditional Style). A leather or metal

leg shield must be worn by a wheel chair competitor.

5. The holster must fit the gun. No “bucket boots” or “speed boots” are

permitted. The inside opening at the top of the boot, including liner,

may not exceed 2” width and 3” length for medium framed guns (Colts

and Old Model Rugers Etc.) The inside opening at the top of the boot

including liner, may not exceed 1 ¾” width and 2 ¾” length for small

framed guns (.22/.38 etc.). The inside of the boot at its lip shall not

exceed 3 ½” from the closest part of the contestant’s body. If a

contestant is using a “New Model Ruger” or another similar large

framed pistol the boot width can be no more than 2 ¼”. (See Illustration

“G”) Note all traditional holsters will be measured as illustrated in

“Illustration G”, the lengths and widths specified above must be

substituted for those in the illustration.

6. The holster must be fastened to the leg with a tie-down strap. The

bottom of the holster must be positioned against the leg. (No spacers).

7. The holster belt must be western style and straight, no dropped belts.

8. The deflector shield may not slant towards the target or opponent while

in the shooting stance.


1. Wax Targets

a. Standard Silhouette shall be 30 ½” high by 14 ½” wide in the

body and 8” by 8” for the head. The top of the head shall be 6’


from the ground. It shall be black with a 1’ white border around the

perimeter. The opening for viewing the signal light shall be a

minimum of 3”.

b. Standard Rectangle shall be 30 ½” high by 14 ½” wide. The

top of the target shall be 64” from the ground. It shall be black

with a 1” white border around the perimeter. The opening for

viewing the signal light shall be a minimum of 3”. Note: All

records shall be combined for the Standard Silhouette &

Standard Rectangle.

c. The 9” impact target shall be a 9” diameter round plate with a

3” minimum signal light opening in the center of the target.

The target shall be black with a 1” white border. It shall be

mounted on a stand tat will allow vertical placement.

d. Blocker Rectangle Target shall be 40” high by 20” wide. The

corners of the target must be rounded using a three-inch radius.

The top of the target shall be 64” from the ground. It shall be

black and must be coated with white lithium grease. The

opening for viewing signal light shall be a minimum of 3” in

the center of the target. It can be used in either Index or

Elimination events.

e. The 9'' Balloon may also be used as a wax target at 12’.

f. The Balloon-Disc target shall be 17 5/16”diameter round

concave plate, with a balloon hole in the middle and a 3”

signal light opening centered in the upper portion of the target.

The target shall be black with up to a ½” white border. The

concept is that a hit anywhere on the target is sufficient to

break the balloon in the center, for a visual effect. The concave

should be substantial enough to break the balloon with a high

percentage. The balloon is only considered a hit indicator and

shall not be required to break, if the Balloon Disc target is hit.

There shall be a back plate behind the balloon, which is also

capable of stopping the timer. (See Illustration K) The center

of the target is to be set at 44” above the ground.

g. Standard Plate shall be 17 5/16” in diameter. The center of the

target will be set at 44” above the ground. It shall be black

with a ½” white border. The opening for viewing the signal

light will be centered and a minimum of 3”. Note: All records

shall be combined for the Balloon-Disc and Standard Plate.

h. A coating of White Lithium Grease may be used on any wax

target (except Balloon-Disc). If it is used then the white

border shall be eliminated.


I All wax targets will be calibrated as to stop with a .45 caliber

wax bullet at 15’ with only a pistol primer and not to go off on

sound with a .22 blank with out wax at 5’.

1. If a target does not stop and a full/bullet hit is not

verified by target judge, then the contestant has the

right to call for a calibration check. The official will

fire a 045 caliber wax bullet with a pistol primer at

whatever distance that the shot in question occurred.

If the timer stops the contestant will be scored a miss;

if the timer does not stop the contestant will receive a


2. Balloon Targets 4” and 9”

a. The balloon holder shall be constructed so that a part of the

balloon extends forward of the target holder surface, but shall

not allow a balloon diameter greater than 4” or 9” respectively.

The light shall be mounted above the balloon such that the

center of the light shall not be further than 6” above the edge

of the balloon. The opening for viewing the signal light shall

be a minimum of 3”. The balloon holder shall be mounted on a

stand that will allow vertical placement.

b. The center of the balloon shall not be placed lower than the

center of a contestant’s gun belt buckle while standing in a

normal upright position. The contestant will walk up to the

balloon stand to adjust the height accordingly.

Penalty: Loss of shot.

3. A mobile stand for walking events may be used to keep the target at a

constant distance from the shooter. The handle for the cart operator

must always be a minimum of 3’ behind the shooting distance. Provide

the vertical placement, as required.

4. Any target signal light bulb shall be clear or amber and a minimum of

60 watts at 110V AC. The bulb shall be a minimum of 2” in diameter

and should be protected in front by a clear shield. The bulb shall be

shielded above, back and sides from direct sunlight using a "WHITE"

colored interior coating.

5. In Index contest only, sound (S), or micro-switch (M) pick-ups in the

balloon events may be used. If sound pick-ups were used it must be

indicated with (S) in the contest results.

a. If micro-switches are used with multiple targets in Index

contests they must be calibrated.

(See part IV B. Scoring Elimination-e)


6. All wax events shall have a backboard of a material that will stop wax

bullets. (See Site Preparation, Part V, Section B).


7. The electronic timer shall have as a minimum the following:

a. Digital readout(s).

b. 2-5 second random start.

c. Dual channel input with the capability to read both channels.

d. It must be made to function on micro-switch or sound inputs.

e. Voltage supplied to the target light(s) shall be alternating

current and not less than 90 volts R.M.S.

f. It must function properly on a minimum of 90 volts line


g. The timer must allow no more than .020 second delay from the

time the target light is turned on until the timing sequence begins..

8. All electronic sensors installed on wax targets used in any given contest

must be of the same manufacturer and part number.


1. Blank Loads

a. Only commercially purchased rifle, pistol, shotgun and black

powders can be used.

b. Maximum wad thickness is 1/16” including glue and sealer.

c. No brass shall be used that is cracked or split.

d. No shell casings of larger caliber or greater than a .45 Long


e. Blank loads can be furnished by Host if advertised in advance.

f. All Walk and Draw Level loads must be tested prior to


g. Commercially loaded blanks are allowed.

2. Wax Loads

a. Only commercially manufactured wax bullets shall be allowed

currently Red Jets, Excaliber, Searls, Super Speed, C&R, and

Super Speed have been approved. Bullets may not be altered

in a way to cause them to split.


b. Wax bullets shall be propelled by only factory made pistol

primers, shotgun primers, or 22 short black powder blanks.


3. If a misfire occurs on any host supplied ammunition a

designated test gun will be used to fire the round. If the

round does not Any W.F.D.A. approved wax may be loaded with no

more than 6 grains of 4 F black powder or black powder substitute.

Supplied by the "HOST". This must be advertised in the contest

advertisement at least 30 days in advance. (This was effective May

5th, 2001 as a SAFETY RULE.) fire in the test gun, then a re-shoot

will be granted. The test gun will be designated by the host before

commencement of the contest.



1. Prior to receiving the signal to draw, the contestant’s hands shall be

placed in the following manner, LAWMAN READY POSITION.

a. The trigger finger shall not enter the trigger guard.

b. After the command has been given, the contestant shall not be

falling back and become off balance, if it is obvious to the

officials the he/she is using this method consistently to

anticipate the light he will be first and then the second time

will be a loss of shot..

c. Prior to shooting and setting gun in holster and the signal

"Ready Set command" given, the hammer must be in the fully

down position to begin the draw.

2. Contact with the gun caused by a flinch due to a sudden, loud noise or

other disturbance, the contestant will receive a re-shoot. The contest

officials in the immediate area shall have sole authority, by a majority

vote, to grant a re-shoot.

3. Any attempt to draw and fire on a light, whether it is a quick or slow

light, will be considered a legal draw. Only the Line Official may

determine if a disturbing flash of light occurred, in which case, the

contestant would receive a re-shoot. The Line Official’s decision is


4. Once the "shooter set" command has been given there will be no call

off allowed by any competitor

5. The ready command may be given by either the contestant or clock

operator. If the clock operator gives the signal, it shall be stated as”

Shooter on the line, shooter set”. In walking events, the shooter may

walk when ready or take a command from the clock operator in which

case it shall be stated as “Shooter on the line, shooter walk”.


6. After the command is given, the random signal to draw shall not come

on before two (2), nor later than five (5) seconds. In walking events

7. (moving target) the contestant will be given two (2) steps before

random count begins.

8 In all standing events, the competitor’s gun, holster and feet must be

behind the shooting line. Note: If a piece of tape is used as a line, both

feet must be behind the edge closest to the shooter. In walking events,

the gun is used to establish shooter’s position. (Exception: Competitors

in wheel chairs may line up with the holstered gun behind the line).

9 No shooter may have more than one (1) back-up helper on the line at

any time. Penalty: Loss of shot.

10 PROTESTS: All protests from contestants must be made immediately

at the time the violation occurs. At no time will the protest be

considered valid unless it is made before the contestant fires the next

shot. A shooter that makes an off-the-line protest will be required to put

up a $20.00 protest fee. If the protest committee upholds the protest, the

fee will be returned to the shooter making the protest. If the protest is

not upheld the $20.00 fee will go to the W.F.D.A. treasury.

11 Any contestant at a WFDA sanctioned competition may be allowed to

be given the name of his/her accuser in the event of his/her being

accused of breaking a WFDA rule, as well as being informed of the rule

number or numbers, immediately after such allegations are made if

he/she requests such.

12 It is the shooter’s right to protest a call an official has made, it

must be done immediately at the time and not after the next shot is fired

or after they leave the line. A supervising official may overrule the call

if it has to do with enforcement policy and settle the matter.

13 An "Arbitration Committee" will be formed to handle any unsettled


a. . The host will pick three experienced members to form the

committee. At a Vice-Chairman Sanctioned contest the Vice-

Chairman will act as Mediator, at Chairman Sanctioned

contests the Chairman will act as Mediator. The immediate

contest officials are barred from this committee. The

competitor, officials, and all arbitration committee members

shall be present during all testimony.

b. The mediator will first call to witness the official or official’s

who made the call or the protesting contestant (if other than

shooter on the line) to explain what they saw. Then the

contestant (shooter on the line) will explain their position. At

this time any other witnesses that may have relevant

information to the case may be heard. Then the officials or

protesting contestant will have one more turn, then the

contestant (shooter on the line) will have the final comment.

c. Committee members will refrain from expressing any opinion

or verdict upon a dispute in progress.


d. When the committee is satisfied that they are in possession of

all information and evidence relevant to the dispute, they will

deliberate privately. The Mediator will explain to the

committee all pertinent rules and enforcement policies relevant

to the case. The committee will reach their decision by

majority vote.

e. After the committee has made the ruling the Mediator will

summon the compliant, the official(s), and the Host and the

committee will then deliver its judgment.

f. It is the responsibility of the Host to implement the decision.

g. The decision of the Arbitration Committee shall be final and

may not be protested, unless in the opinion of the Host or

Mediator, new evidence forthcoming warrants reconsideration.

12. On targets where White Lithium Grease is used, only the Hand Judge

and Line Judge may approach the target to confirm a hit or miss.


1. INDEX : Index events are those in which each shot is recorded and

all recorded scores are totaled to determine the overall winner.

No other method of determining an overall winner may be

used. One contestant or more will shoot at a time: if more than

one (Elimination Style), it must be advertised in the "TOP

GUN) magazine.

a. Ties in overall scores for which prizes are to be awarded shall

be broken by each tied contestant re-shooting three shots of the

last event in the contest. A second tie shall be broken by reshooting

one shot of the last event in that contest. If one of the

tied contestants is ineligible or not present to break a tie, that

contestant automatically forfeits the shoot-off. If neither

contestant is eligible or present to break a tie, the tie shall be

broken by the fastest shot that each contestant fired in that


b. Official or approved W.F.D.A. score sheets must be used.

c. All scores shall be recorded in thousandths of a second.

d. A score of 1.000, or one second, shall be given for missed

shots, except doubles.

e. Recorded scores will be totaled, then immediately re-totaled by

a different scorekeeper.

f. More than one shot per draw, except doubles, is not allowed.

Penalty: Loss of shot.

g. Any host shall be given the option to use the “Inverted Score

Shooting Order”. The purpose of this system is to make the

end of the contest more exciting for both the shooters and

spectators. It is done by adding all scores prior to the last

event. The contestants are then numbered for shooting for

shooting order in the last event by their standings in the prior

events. Thus, the contestant who is last in the standings shall

shot first. A list of shooting order must be posted prior to


starting the event. however, if a contest is run Elimination

h. Style (index scoring), inverted scoring MUST be shot in the

same manner with Championship final rounds being

elimination style also.

i. In any two or three day contest the shooting order may not

be reversed.

j. There will be no classification in Index contests.

k. If the timing equipment malfunctions and the target is hit, the

contestant may either:

1. Take the shot over and receive that time, hit or miss.

2. Take an average of all clean hits in that event except

recovery shots (shots fired after the first attempt to fire


a. If a contestant fails to register a clean hit for

averaging purposes, three (3) more attempts will

be allowed to secure a clean hit. If a clean hit is

not accomplished during the three (3) additional

attempts, the shot in question will be declared a

miss. Only one such hit is sufficient for an

average. A contestant shooting for an average

shall use the same style used in that event.

b. In Step Back or Step Up Wax event, an

average must be secured at whatever distance

the malfunction occurs. Example: Malfunction at

10’, the contestant must return to that distance to

secure a (clean hit), after completion of the entire


3. Timing equipment malfunctions on a recovery

shot can either be re-shot as follows: Only one

round allowed in cylinder, to be indexed such that two

definite strokes of the hammer will only fire one

round, on the second stroke. Penalty for a miss 1.000

sec., or take an average of all clean hits in that round

and add .200 sec. to that score for recovery shot in


2 ELIMINATION: Elimination events are those in which two competitors

receive the signal light at the same time, the fastest hit


a. Elimination may be either single, double elimination, etc.,

i.e., a contestant is defeated once, twice, or more before being

eliminated from an event.

b. A round winner will be determined by the best two (2) out of

three (3) or best three (3) out of (5) shots.

c. Contestants shall stand on the same line facing the same

direction with a minimum of 8’ separating the targets. In lieu

of this requirement, a protective barrier may separate the

contestants and targets.


d. All elimination shall be one shot per target per draw.

e. Micro-switches must be used in all blank Elimination events.

The micro-switches must be calibrated as follows:

1. Place the balloon stands close enough together so that

one blank will break both balloons.

2. Fire a blank round to break both balloons

simultaneously. Both channels of the timer must read

identical times at least three consecutive times before

calibration is complete.

f. Scores read from the dual channel timer shall be used to

determine the winner of a shot. All scores, including lost

shots, shall be recorded on an official W.F.D.A. Elimination

score sheet.

g. Tied scores must be re-shot.

1. If a time cannot be read from both channels, the shot

must be taken over, providing both contestants hit the


2. If a time cannot be read from both channels, after both

contestants shoot and only one hits the target, the

contestant with the hit wins the shot with a No-Time.

h. The time limit for elimination shall be whatever the miss

penalty would be for that event in an Index contest. Any shot

or shots fired after the time limit, shall be declared a miss.

i. In elimination contests with more than one event the overall

results will be determined on the basis of inverted points.

Each contestant receives one point for entering each event

plus one point for each opponent defeated. A contestant wins

one point for winning the bye. Determine overall standings by

adding points earned in each event.

j. Pairing of contestants shall be by random draw only. If an

odd number of contestants remain in the contest, pairs will be

drawn until three (3) names are left. The fastest single shot

within his or her class (classification times) receives the bye.

1. (Host’s Option) Contestants in Elimination contests

will be matched up in rounds according to the number

of X’s in that contest. Winners will be matched with

winners and losers will be matched with losers, from

the previous round. All remaining rounds will be

randomly drawn.

Example: In a 3X contest, there will be a container for

winners and a container for losers in each class, In the

2nd and 3rd rounds, the matches will be drawn from

separate containers filled from the prior round. The 4th

and following rounds will all be mixed together and

randomly drawn.

k. Ties in overall standings, for which there are prizes or

awards, shall be broken by running a single elimination event.


The tie-breaking event may be picked by the host from

among those events in the contest, and must be previously

advertised. A bye winner in a tie-breaking shoot-off

automatically wins the highest place of those tied. Ties in

overall standings, for which there are no prizes or awards,

shall be broken by the fastest shot fired by the tied

contestants in that contest.

l. Single shot standing balloon elimination cannot be shot as

unclassified elimination unless two (2) or more events are in

the contest. Double balloons may be shot as unclassified.

However, both targets must be hit to get a time. If only one

target is hit, >>No Time!

m. Contestants who jump the light (anticipation) will lose that

shot to their opponent with “No-Time”, regardless.

3. Index and Elimination events shall not be mixed in any contest except

the All-Around World Championship and Progressive Eliminator.

a. Progressive Elimination may be used as an alternate method

to determine final overall placement.

1. The host shall determine in advance how many places

will qualify.

2. It may be single or multiple X.

4. Scores will be posted at all Chairman and Vice-Chairman sanctioned

contests, as each contestant finishes each event, in a manner and size

large enough to be read by contestants and spectators.

a. The posting board shall be stationed well away from both the

shooting area and score keeping area.

b. Posted scores are not official scores.

5. Classification for Elimination contests:

a. S/B 4” @ 8’, S/B 4” @ 10’, S/B 9” @ 12’, S/W @ 8’, S/W @

10’ (Open Style).

1. There shall be four (4) classes in the Men’s Division

and three (3) classes in the Women’s Division. Men’s

C and Women’s B are at Host Option.

2. Men’s Division AA .000 to .259

A .260 to .299

B .300 to .379

Optional. C .380 and up.

3. Women’s Division AA .000 to .319

A .320 to .379

Optional B .380 and up.

b. S/B 4” @ 8’, S/B 4” @ 10’, S/B 9” @ 12’, S/W @ 8’, S/W @

10’ (Traditional Style).

1. There shall be three (3) classes in the Men’s Division

and three (3) classes in the Women’s Division.

2. Men’s Division AA .000 to .319

A .320 to .379

B .380 and up.

3. Women’s Division AA .000 to .359

A .360 to .459

B .460 and up

d. This Elimination Classification system is to be used for

events shown above only. An Elimination contest that has

two (2) or more events will be shot as unclassified.

e. In all Elimination classifications system, any contestant can

shoot in any class that they want and move up and down in

classes, but not in the same contest.

f. If a contestant shoots out of class with a faster time it will be

scored a miss. In order for the opponent to win the shot they

must score a hit no faster than their class limits.

g. There will be a minimum of three (3) trophies awarded in

each class.

h. In classified elimination the winners of Men’s AA Class and

Women’s AA will be considered the Overall Champions of

that contest

i. *In classified elimination, winners of every classification will

be considered World, National, or State Champion of his or

her class.

6. SHOOT UNTIL HIT: Host may choose “ Shoot Until Hit” format,

advertised in advance.

a. On single target events the miss penalty will be two (2)


b. On double target events the miss penalty will be three (3)


c. The host must provide safe loading tables off of the firing

line, which are surrounded on three sides by a backstop

material capable of stopping a wax bullet.

1. Competitors must leave the line to reload their


2. Guns must be holstered while not on the firing line or

away from the loading booth. Guns must be holstered

before turning around to leave the loading booth.

3. Contestants may load in the loading booth while in

“the hole”.

d. Shoot until hit can be run Index or Elimination.

e. In case of anticipation the shooter receives the miss penalty.

f. In double target events, the left target must be engaged first

(if right handed), and opposite if left-handed. The contestant

may re-engage the first target either before or after the second

target is engaged.


1. The events listed below are the only ones that may be used in a

sanctioned contest and must be advertised in advance. Abbreviations

are located to the right.


a. Wax events: Standard Silhouette, Balloon-Disc, Standard

Rectangle, Standard Plate, 9” Impact Target, *9” Balloon

Target and Blocker Target.

1. Standing Wax: 5’, 8’, 10’, 12’, and 15’ S/W

2. Step Back Wax: 5’, 8’, 10’, 12’, and 15’ S/B/W

3. Step Up Wax: 15’, 12’, 10’, 8’, and 5’ S/UP/W

4. Walking Wax: 15’, moving target. W/W

5. Walking Wax: 15’ to 12’, stationary target. W/W

6. Walking Wax: 21’ to 15’, stationary target. W/W

7. Double Wax: 12’, targets 8’ center to center. D/W

8. Double Wax: 8’, targets 6’ center to center. D/W

9. Standing Wax: 12’, * 9” balloon S/W

## The 9” balloon target may only be used as a wax

target at a distance of 12’.

b. Blank Events: 4” Balloon Target and 9” Balloon Target.

1. Standing Blanks, 4” balloons, at 8’ and 10’. S/B

2. Standing Blanks, 9” balloons at 12’. S/B

3. Walking Blanks, 4” balloons, 12’-8’,

moving target. W/B

4. Walking Blanks, 4” balloons, 12’-8’,

stationary target. W/B

5. Double Blanks, 4” balloons, at 8’,

targets 6’ center to center D/B

6. Double Blanks, 9” balloons, at 12’, targets

8’ center to center D/B

7. Step up balloons, 15', 12' 10', 8', 5' S/UP/B

8. Step back balloons, 5', 8,' 10', 12',15' S/B/B

9. Standing Blanks, 4'' balloons 15' S/B

10. Walk and Draw Level (Elimination Only). W/D/L

11. If you can hold an event in a Vice Chairman contest,

the same event can be held in a Chairman contest.

PLEASE NOTE: Double Balloon 4'' at 8' Elimination

ONLY voted on, NOT ALL events.

2. An event includes all shots fired at one type of target, at a specified

distance, and with specified ammunition. The number of shots fired is

immaterial in defining an event or round.

3. Walking events shall be conducted as follows:

a. Moving targets, the target shall be pushed at a rate which

keeps it the specified distance from the shooter.

b. Stationary targets, the shooter shall start at a “toe line” three

(3) feet beyond the furthest shooting position from the target.

c. The contestant must start a normal walk and continue at the

same pace until the shot is fired. Penalty: First occurrence

will result in a warning. Second violation will result in a loss


of that shot. Only one warning per event.

d. After the walk and draw has started, the shooter may not

touch the gun or any part of the rig before the signal light.

Penalty: Loss of shot.

4. The following rules apply to all Blank Events.

a. The center of the balloon shall not be placed lower than the

center of a contestant’s gun belt buckle while standing in a

normal upright position. The contestant will walk up to the

balloon stand to adjust the height accordingly. Penalty: Loss

of shot.

5. The following rules apply to the double target events:

a. The target centers will be placed at the specified distance,

with the front center of a 14”X14” box placed at the specified

shooting distance from each target. (See

Illustration J).

b. The contestant’s holstered gun must be within the 14”X 14”

box as indicated above. Penalty: Loss of shot.

c. The penalty for a miss shall be a maximum of 1.000 per

target. The total time shall be as follows.

Number of Hits Score

Hit both targets Time on second target

Hit first, missed second Time on first + 1.000

Missed first, hit second Time on second + 1.000

d. The targets will be shot in order from left (first target) to right

(second target) for a right-handed contestant and from right

(first target) to left (second target) for a left-handed


e. The penalty for firing more than two (2) shots in a double

target event will be two (2) misses, unless it is designated a

“shoot until hit” event.

f. If a timing equipment malfunction occurs on hit targets, and

no other similar scores are available to average, the following

shall apply.

First Target Second Target Ruling

Target hit but Target hit but Shoot until both

timer malfunctioned timer malfunctioned targets are hit again.

(3 tries maximum)

Target missed Target hit but Shoot until both

Timer malfunctioned targets are hit again.

(3 tries maximum)

Add 1.000 to second



Target hit Target missed Shoot until both

Timer malfunctioned targets are hit again.

(3 tries maximum)

Add 1.000 to first

Target score.

6. A shooting line is the designated distance line for shooting each event,

including DOUBLES.



1. The essence of a Traditional Style contest is to preserve the Western

appearance of Fast Draw while maintaining a high level of competition.

a. Thumbing, ram fanning, and slap cocking only. No twisting

draws of any kind will be permitted before, during or after the


2. At the Host’s option, a Traditional contest may be Thumbing only.

Vice-Chairman contest points shall not be counted toward year end




1. The essence of a Twisting contest is to preserve the historical evolution

of the word Fast in Fast Draw.

a. Twist-fanning and Twist-thumbing only. No traditional draws

will be allowed. There must be an obvious twist to the draw.

b. Any style of holster outlined in the Rulebook will be


2. At the option of the host, any contest may be Twisting only.



1. The purpose of Open Style contests is to allow all styles of Fast Draw

Shooters to compete against each other.

a. Twist fanning, up-fanning, ram-fanning, slap cocking, and

thumbing styles may all be used.

b. Any style of holster outlined in the Rulebook will be




To allow all styles of Fast Draw shooters to compete against each other.

a. Twist fanning, up-fanning, ram-fanning, slap cocking and

thumbing styles may all be used.

b. Holsters must be a Traditional style holster as outlined in the

WFDA Rulebook.

c. Must comply with all WFDA Safety Rules.




To allow new shooters or those that prefer not to shoot modified

guns to use their stock single action guns in .45 Colt, 38/357 caliber and

unmodified holsters to compete in fast draw. The rules for this type of

contest are like the other rules other than the following:

1. Only stock guns may be used. Action jobs and deepening the

lock slots on the cylinder are allowed. No aluminum or titanium

substitute parts and no fanning hammers (except 2nd shot in doubles

may be fanned).

2. Holsters can be any SASS, or CFDA legal holsters, but no

twisting or bucket holster (This includes buscadero and steel lined

holsters such as the Arvo Ojala, Andy Anderson, and Alfonso holsters).

Deflector shields at the bottom of holsters are recommended for all,

required for blanks.

3. Thumbing only, except doubles. A second shot may be fanned.

4. Shooter can start in the lawman ready position, i.e. hand on

the gun with finger outside the trigger guard.

5. Standard wax target will be a standard silhouette or standard

rectangle at 15 feet.

6. Blank targets will be at the same distances we use now;

blanks can only travel so far.

7.The Hollywood division will shoot against other people in

that Division, either as a separate contest or a separate Division

if there is also a modified gun WFDA Division in the contest.

. Just as in our current contest types, Hollywood can be shot as

an elimination contest or as an index contest. Elimination

contests can be shot at Host Option as unclassified or classified

with AA, A, and B cutoff times as in our modified gun

minimum times.



1. It is the Host’s responsibility to run a contest sanctioned by the

W.F.D.A. according to all Rules & By-Laws to the best of their ability.


It is the Host’s duty to see that a contest is properly manned with the

number of officials necessary to enforce the rules. The Host may

request a list of Certified Range Officers from the W.F.D.A. in


2. When possible, there must be a Certified Ranger present to supervise

all Safety regulations ensuring that all rules are enforced at a Chairman

Sanctioned contest. Does not mean the Certified Ranger must actually

run the line at all times


1. The host shall select a site which:

a. Is flat and relatively smooth. For walking events, the

walkway should be void of protuberances which might trip a


b. Can be surrounded by a barrier for safety (i.e., roped off, etc.)

c. Is protected if inclement weather is expected, if possible.


1. The contest site should be oriented to prevent contestants from looking

directly into the sun. The shooting area shall be prepared as follows:

a. The shooting area shall be surrounded by a barrier (roped off,

etc.) which will prevent shooters or spectators from

inadvertently wandering into the line of fire. Only one

entrance will be established to the rear of the shooting area.

No shooter or spectator shall be allowed downrange from the

shooting line closer than eight (8) feet laterally to the


b. Backstops are mandatory at all sanctioned contests.

Backstops are to run beyond the target at an intersection point

of at least forty-five (45) degrees from the farthest shooting

position. Backstops to be a minimum ninety (90) inches high

and are to be constructed of 5/8” plywood minimum for wax

events and ½” plywood for blank events. Targets to be a

maximum of two (2) feet up-range from the backstop.

Exception: When a contest is conducted at a "live ammo"

shooting range, and if also the host, the sponsor and the

WFDA Vice-Chairman for that area ALL agree that a back

stop is not necessary for safety, then the requirement for a

backstop is waived.

c. A large table and sufficient chairs shall be placed behind the

shooting line preferably on the right for the clock operator

and scorekeepers.

d. Every contest shall have a Line Official provided by the host.

e. The shooting line shall be distinctly marked on the ground



f. Hosts of all sanctioned contests shall post the Safety Rules in

a conspicuous place and conduct a safety meeting before the

commencement of each day of shooting.

g. If handicapped competitors are in attendance, suitable access

to the shooting area and facilities should be provided. It is the

handicapped contestant’s responsibility to inform the Host of

requirements in advance.


1. A dry fire area is mandatory and must meet the following minimum


a. It shall be no closer than seventy-five (75) feet from any

shooting site, unless there is a suitable sound barrier.

b. It must be placed along a building or wall, solid fence, or

other backstop, which would stop a wax bullet.

c. It must be surrounded by a barrier (roped off, etc.) to prevent

shooters or spectators from wandering in front of practicing




Illustration “A” (Hammer Height)

Illustration “B” (Hammer Width)


Place gauge on the centerline of

gun on top of the frame.

Hold the gauge parallel

to the gun barrel.

Illustration “C” (Barrel Size)

Illustration “D” (Trigger Guard)


Gauge must fit into barrel but

not up to the handle of the


Looking straight

down on the trigger

guard, the trigger

must not be visible

on side of use, with

gun at full cock.

Illustration “E” (Barrel Length)

Illustration "F" (Holster Gauge)


Place the gauge against the cylinder and

parallel to the barrel, the line on the

gauge must not extend above the end

of the barrel.

Illustration “G” (Holster Open Style)

Illustration “H” (Holster Traditional Style-Medium Frame Gun


Illustration “I” Hand Clearance (When Required)

Illustration “J” (Double Target Layout)


Illustration "K" (Balloon Target)



76/77 Gil Guerra Sr. Barry Hunter Jacqui Dyer

78/79 Gil Guerra Sr. Ted Blocker Johnny Owen

80/81 Gene Cozzitorto George Fair Ron Phillips

82/83 Gene Cozzitorto George Fair Ron Phillips

84/85 Richard Plum Harlan Smith Louise Nelson

86/87 Richard Plum Harlan Smith Louise Nelson

88 Richard Plum Rose Guerra Charlene McMahon

89 Richard Plum Jay Faughn Charlene McMahon

90/91 Gene Cozzitorto Jay Faughn Charlene McMahon

92/93 Richard S. Hughes Cal Eilrich Johnny Owen

94/95 Cal Eilrich Ron Bright Richard S. Hughes

96/97 Cal Eilrich Ron Bright Ron Phillips

98/99 Ray Thielke Ron Bright Ron Phillips

00/01 Larry Jelinek Ron Bright Suellen Heath

02/03 Gil Guerra Sr. Linda Faughn Suellen Heath

04/05 Gil Guerra Sr. Linda Faughn Bob Bussinger

06/07 Frank Lawton Cheryl Short Miles Miller

08/09 Jim Yager Mike Pantano Miles Miller

10/11 Dave Livingston Dan Qualls Miles Miller















The following list is something that has been in the working for several years.

Ron Bright spent many hours compiling this list by checking back through

hundreds of publications from the Mid-Western Fast Draw Association, The

Western Fast Draw Association, The W.F.D.A. and many other sources. It is an

attempt to record for all time forward the Champions of the Sport of Fast Draw.

This list may not be complete but it is a place to start. We sincerely hope that

future Officers will maintain, add to, and refine it. It is not possible to list all

winners of all contests, so we have only included Chairman Sanctioned State

Championships, Regional, National, World and All-Around World

Championships. Enjoy!

55-57 National – Dee Woolem

58 Tombstone – Slim O’Conner / National – Dee Woolem

59 Tombstone – Thell Reed / National – Clot Sahara W&D – Gary

Freymueller / National - Jack Casey

60 Tombstone – Bob Shan / National Clot Sahara W&D – Jack Simms

61 Tombstone – Chuck Reed / Colt Sahara W&D – Fred Stieler /

National Wax – Claude Gosney / Mid-America – Jerry Booher

62 Tombstone – John Amos / Colt Sahara W&D – Vance Anderson &

Ruth Savage / World – Norm Smith & Marge Kneezel

63 Tombstone – Dick McGaugh

64 Tombstone – W&D George Narasaki – S/W Joe Genson – S/B Joe

Benson / Mid-Continent – Charlie Forester & Micky Bodkins /

Western States – Al Brian

65 Tombstone – Joe Benson / World – Bob Graham & Merilyn Milicevic

/ Mid-America – Ron Bright & Micky Bodkins / Mid-Continent – Pat

McMahon & Micky Bodkins

66 Tombstone – Al Brian / National – Bob Graham / World – Bob

Graham & Merrill Graham / Mid-America – Ron Phillips & Pam


67 Tombstone – Stan Sweet / National – Claude Gosney / World – Ron

Bright & Cecil Jennings / World Thumbing – Claude Gosney / Mid-

America – Larry Tomlinson

68 Tombstone – Jim Standridge & Jean Bussinger / Mid-America – Dave

Westerman & Elsie Burger

69 Tombstone – Dick Plum & Elizabeth Adam / World – Ron Bright &

Merrill Graham / Mid-America – Ron Bright & Joyce Bright /

Western States – Richard Garner & Jean Bussinger

70 Tombstone – Bob James & Joyce Tryon / National – Ron Phillips &

Jean Bussinger / World – Richard Garner & Virginia Reese / U.S

Open – Bob Arganbright & Kathy Hamilton / Mid-America – Ron

Bright & Diane Toblesky / Western States – Paul Christensen & Jean



71 Tombstone – Bob James & Sharon Crenshaw / National – Bob James

& Helen Cook / World – Jack Jazinski & Millie Jazinki / Mid-

America – Cal Eilrich & Kay Arganbright / Western States – Al

Brian & Dee Wiwchar

72 Tombstone – Wes Flowers & Joyce Tryon / National – Dale

Crenshaw & Virginia Reese / World – Cal Eilrich & Virginia Reese /

South West National – Ron Bright & Linda Guerra / Great Lakes

National – Ron Phillips & Elsie Place / Canadian Nationals – Cal

Eilrich & Dee Wiwchar / Mid-America – Bob Arganbright & Kay

Arganbright / Western States – Paul Christensen & Virginia Reese

73 Tombstone – Wes Flowers & Monica James / National – Stan Sweet

& Linda Guerra / World – George Reese & Virginia Reese / Mid-

America – Cal Eilrich & Elsie Place

74 Tombstone – Ron Phillips & Doreen Ballard / National – Gil Guerra

Jr. & Jean Blocker / World – Mel Stockwell & Linda Guerra / Mid-

West Nationals – Bob Huber Sr. & Sharon Jelinek / Canadian

Nationals – Gil Guerra Sr. & Lucy Fair / Mid-America – Bob

Arganbright & Alice Warren / CA National – Mel Stockwell & Linda


75 Tombstone – Gil Guerra Jr. & Linda Guerra / National – Bob Graham

& Fran Turner / World – Gil Guerra Jr. & Linda Guerra / Western

States – Jack Fritz & Linda Guerra

76 Tombstone – Ron Phillips & Joyce Tryon / National – Bill Waller &

Lucy Fair / World – Bob Graham & Virginia Reese / Western States –

Cal Eilrich & Joyce Tryon

77 Tombstone – Ron Phillips & Nancy Waller / National – Mel

Stockwell & Linda Guerra Schmidt / World Index – Ron Phillips &

Carrol Crussel / World Elimination – Gil Guerra Jr. & Linda Guerra

Schmidt / Western States – Gene Cozzitorto & Virginia Reese

78 Tombstone – Ron Phillips & Doreen Ballard / World Index – Mel

Stockwell & Lucy Fair / Mid-America – Al Miles & Justy Van Beber

/ International – Ron Phillips & Monica James

79 Tombstone – Gary Tryon & Doreen Ballard / World Index – Jim

Standridge & Dianne Graham / U.S. Open Index – Larry Lalouette &

Joyce Tryon / Mid-West Nationals – Ron Phillips & Doris Rogers

80 Tombstone – Ron Phillips & Nancy Waller

81 All-Around World – Cal Eilrich & Lucy Fair (tie) Joyce Tryon /

World Index – Ron Phillips & Lucy Fair / Canadian Nationals – Cal

Eilrich & Lucy Fair / Pacific Coast – Cal Eilrich & Lucy Fair /

Western States – Cal Eilrich & Nancy Hunter / Mid-Western States –

Ron Phillips & Doreen Ballard

82 All-Around World – Cal Eilrich & Lucy Fair

83 World Index – Bob Graham & Linda Guerra Schmidt

84 World Index – Bill Waller & Doreen Ballard

85 World Index – Stan Sweet & Carol Cozzitorto

86 National Index – Bob James & Doreen Ballard


87 World Elimination – Ernie Hill & Doreen Ballard

88 World Index – Stan Sweet & Doreen Ballard / World Traditional

Index – Bob Arganbright & Charlene McMahon / World Thumbing –

Tom Wildenauer / Western States – Gil Guerra Jr. & Doreen Ballard

89 International – Stan Sweet & Dinah Eilrich

90 World Open Elimination – Ernie Hill & Joyce Tryon / International –

Ron Phillips & Linda Faughn.

91 Tombstone – Cal Elrich & ? / Texas State – Ron Phillips & Carol


92 World Traditional Elimination (Deadwood) – Cal Eilrich & Linda

Faughn / World Index – Gil Guerra Jr. & Rita Guerra Hudson

93 All-Around World – Cal Eilrich & Dinah Eilrich / World Index – Cal

Eilrich & Dinah Eilrich / World Traditional Elimination (Deadwood)

Tony Williams & Cathy Dobson Coy / World Open Elimination (Roy

Rogers) – Ernie Hill & Joyce Tryon / Tombstone Nationals – Cal

Eilrich & Dinah Eilrich / Texas State – Cal Eilrich & Dinah Eilrich /

California State – Tony Williams & Joyce Tryon

94 All-Around World – Cal Eilrich (tie) Gil Guerra Jr. & Dinah Eilrich /

World Index – Cal Eilrich & Dinah Eilrich / World Traditional

Elimination (Deadwood) – Gil Guerra Jr. & Joyce Tryon / World

Open Elimination (Roy Rogers) – Ernie Hill & Joyce Tryon /

Tombstone Nationals – Ron Phillips & Dinah Eilrich / International

Elimination – Cal Eilrich & Dinah Eilrich / Western States – Cal

Eilrich & Jennifer Guerra / Canadian National – Howard Darby & Pat

Weatherby / Texas State – Ron Bright & Dinah Eilrich

95 All-Around World – Cal Eilrich & Dinah Eilrich / World Index – Cal

Eilrich & Dinah Eilrich / World Elimination (Deadwood) – Cal Eilrich

& Linda Faughn / Tombstone Nationals – Cal Eilrich & Jean

Bussinger / U.S. Invitational – Ron Phillips & Rita Guerra / Canadian

National – Cal Eilrich & Pat Weatherby / Texas State – Cal Eilrich &

Dinah Eilrich / Wild West – Gil Guerra & Joyce Tryon

96 All-Around World – Cal Eilrich & Dinah Eilrich / World Index – John

LeBlanc & Joyce Tryon / World Elimination (Deadwood) – Bob

Bussinger & Joyce Tryon / Tombstone Internationals – Cal Eilrich &

Dinah Eilrich / U.S. Invitational – Cal Eilrich & Dinah Eilrich /

National Elimination – Gil Guerra Jr. & Susie Vonfeldt / Canadian

National – Cal Eilrich & Monica James / Texas State – Cal Eilrich &

Dinah Eilrich / Wild West – Bob Arganbright & Dinah Eilrich

97 World Elimination (Deadwood) – Bob Bussinger & Jan Barry / World

Wax Elimination – Ron Phillips & Linda Faughn / National

Elimination – Ron Phillips & Jean Bussinger

98 World Elimination (Deadwood0 – Bob Bussinger & Linda Faughn

National Elimination – Ed Thielke & Joyce Tryon


99 National Elimination Ore.– Greg Danielson & Joyce Tryon /Wild

West Worlds, AZ. Gary Tryon & Joyce Tryon/ World Elimination,

CO. Mark Hullen & Linda Faughn/Texas State-Bob Graham & Joyce


00 Wild West World Index, AZ-Ron Phillips & Joyce Tryon/ National

Elimination, Ore-Bob Mernickle & Peggy Franks/ World Elimination,

CO-Richard Parmentier & Nicole Franks/ National Index, Ore.

Ray Thielke & Nicole Franks.

01 Twister World Index, Neb-Greg Danielson & Cel Jones / National

Elimination, Ore, - AA Ted Blocker & Nicole Franks A-Gary Tryon

& Geneta Faw B-Ralph Howell & Carla Howell / World Wax

Elimination- Deadwood AA - Howard Darby & Nicole Franks ATye

Faw & Anita Burnham B-Gary Adrian & Carla Howell/ National

Index, ore-John LeBlanc & Anita Burnham/ No. of the 49th S/B

Elimination, Can. AA-Howard Darby & Nicole Franks A-Tye Faw

& Anita Burnham B-Bill Caravello & Shauna Frey / Montana S/B

Elimination AA-Howard Darby & Joyce Tryon A-Tye Faw & Anita

Burnham B- Peter Garibaldi & Carla Howell.

02 Wild West World Index, AZ-Harrold Kelley & Sherry Kelley No. of

the 49th S/B Elimination, Can. AA-Howard Darby & Nicole Franks

A-Jim Yager & Anita Burnham B- Thomas Guerra & Linda

Benediction/ Montana S/B Elimination AA-Howard Darby & Alanna

Blinn A- Ron Martinez & Anita Burnham B-Ralph Howell & Carla

Howell/ Fastest Gun Alive, Ore. Gil Guerra Jr. & Nicole Franks/Wild

Bill Hickok Worlds S/W Elimination, Deadwood-AA Greg Danielson

& Peggy Franks A-Jim Standridge & Anita Burnham B-Thomas

Guerra & Carla Howell/ Canadian Fast Draw wax Elim.

Championship AA-Howard Darby & Nicole Franks A-Wayne

Andrews & Anita Burnham B-Randy McCulloch & Brenda Gay.

03 Wild West World Index, AZ-Howard Darby & Sherry Kelley/ World

S/B Montana Elimination AA-Howard Darby & Nicole Franks ABob

Arganbright & Monica James B-Peter Garibaldi & Carla Howell

Fastest Gun Alive, Ore.-howard Darby & Peggy Franks/Canadian Fast

Draw Wax Elimination AA-Howard Darby & Nicole Franks A-Don

Mowery & Anita Burnham B-Randy McCulloch & Linda




One of the most unique parts of Fast Draw is our ammunition. We can

hold contests and practice just about anywhere. You can turn your garage or

basement into your personal shooting range and enjoy many hours of practice.

With wax bullets you can effectively practice any event in the sport and travel to

any contest and feel confident in your ability. Let’s explore various Wax and

Blank cartridges.


There are several brands manufactured that are accepted in W.F.D.A.

competition. Some shooters make there own for practice by melting paraffin

wax and pouring it into a pan about ½” thick and letting it cool just enough so

that a shell casing can be pushed in and out repeatedly, then it is put in a freezer

and when hard it’ll render a good quantity of wax bullets. Most shooters buy

them commercially made even for practice. You’ll find them available in the

classified Section of the monthly "Top Gun" Magazine. Wax is powered by …

No gun powder! Only pistol primers, shotgun primers, or .22 Short Black Power


Pistol primers are popular for practice, but are rarely used in competition;

sometimes they won’t stop the timing devices. Flash holes are generally drilled

out so that the primer will not backup causing the cylinder not to spin.

Most shooters bore out the back of the shell casings so that they accept

shotgun primers; this is the most common wax cartridge used in practice and

competition. They should be lose enough so that no tools are required to prime

or de-prime, in fact many use the same 6 casing over and over.

.22 Short Black Powder Blanks are the most powerful propellant allowed

for wax bullets. There have been .22/.45 casings manufactured in which the

primer hole is offset so that it makes the rim-fire .22 blanks work in the centerfire

.45. Some shooters use .22 caliber guns with the front of the cylinder bored

out to .38 caliber with a .38 barrel installed. These are the fastest way to propel

wax bullets.

WARNING: Shotgun primers propel wax at 600-800 fps. and .22 blanks at

1000 plus fps., They should be handled with the respect due any firearm, even

though wax bullets lack mass, they can do great harm, to various parts of the

body, Never point a firearm at anything you’re not willing to destroy!



Blank Cartridges for Fast Draw competition can be constructed from any

gunpowder bought over the counter. There are as many recipes for loading

blanks than there are shooters. The reason there are so many variations is

because in Fast Draw you must break a balloon with the muzzle blast of your

blank. Therefore, Championship Titles and Prize Money are riding on your

ability to load a potent blank. Most of the Top Guns would never let anyone load

their blanks besides themselves.

Blank events are the fastest events in Fast Draw, because a properly loaded

blank can create a 2 foot plus pattern at 8’. There are two distinct strategies for

blank loads, one that provides the most effective pattern, and one that provides

for the fastest means to break the balloon. For the later some shooters use all

kinds of concoctions of hot burning pistol powders and slow burning rifle


This article is concerned with helping new shooters get information they

need so we will only cover probably the most basic blank load. The Black

Powder Blank.

First, start by acquiring some .45 Long Colt cartridges and drill the primer

hole out to 1/8”, this enables the kicker powder to ignite better, prevents primers

from backing out and jamming your cylinder, and still keeps the anvil in the

primer from becoming a projectile. Prime the casing with a large pistol primer,

stay away from magnum primers because they are harder to detonate because of

a thicker hull. Winchester and Remington are the easiest to press into the

castings, CCI’s are good primers but the hull is thicker making them harder to

install and detonate. Important: Do not let any oil come in contact with

primers, it kills them. Even body oil from your fingers can eventually seep into


The two types of Black Powder used are 4F and 1F. 4F is the finest and

ignites the fastest. 1F is course and ignites slower. Use 10 grains of 4F as a

“Kicker” so that the load ignites quickly and evenly, pack it down tightly with a

3/8” brass rod, Do not pound it with a hammer! That can cause the primer

to ignite and ruin your day! Go through this process with all of the blanks you

wish to load and then place them in a large flat pan moving them all together.

Then open a can of 1F and pour it over the casings until full. Then pick them up

one at a time and hold with your forefinger over the top and your thumb on the

bottom and tap the side of the case with a spoon until you feel the powder settle.

Adjust the powder height to 1/8” under the rim and then press on a wad. If you

are crunching your powder the casing is to full. You don’t want to turn your 1F

into 4F because you are relying on the course powder to last long enough to

break the balloon. For wads use a ½” leather punch and punch wads out of an

empty milk carton. This works well to keep moisture out. Also recommended is

finger nail polish as a sealer.


The applicator works well to make sure the edges are sealed. Don’t over

do the sealer, not only is that against the rules, but it can cause a hole in your


Always wear earplugs when shooting, especially blanks. They are also

recommended for wax, sustained wax shooting can damage your hearing also..

Fast Draw competitors can be disturbed easily by noise and it will make you less

susceptible to “jumping the light” and will improve your concentration. Some

people have trouble adapting to earplugs, practice with them and get use to



Your help is always appreciated at Fast Draw Contests no matter how long

you have been shooting. There are always things that need to be done. Hosts of

contests, officers, and other contest officials all volunteer their services. You’ll

learn more about the sport and the inner workings of competition. Whether it’s

stuffing balloons, being a line judge, or helping with scores, we all depend on

each other to make it work. You’ll find Fast Draw shooters are a friendly and

close knit group because of this. Don’t be intimidated by not knowing how to

hand judge or keep score, somebody will always be glad to show you. The best

way to learn is by experience.


Every area needs a leader. If there are no clubs in your area, contact your

Vice-Chairman for assistance on getting one started. You’ll need to find a place

to shoot indoors in the evenings. Meeting every two weeks on a weeknight is the

best situation for getting new members involved. For instance, the 1st and 3rd

Tuesday Night of the month. That way everyone knows the schedule. Most local

papers will be glad to run an article about your club and regularly advertise your

club nights, since you’ll probably be a non-profit organization.




“The Fastest and Safest Gun Sport in the World”


This document constitutes a three party contract between The World Fast

Draw Association, herein referred to as The WFDA;

_____________________________ , herein referred to as The Host; and

_________________________ , herein referred to as The Sponsor.

The WFDA will sanction this event as

________________________________ , on the date of _________________ , in

the location of;_______________________



The WFDA will not sanction any tournaments that conflict with this. Title

or date as set forth in The WFDA Rules & By-laws. The WFDA will

provide an officer to act as Chief Official to insure that all competition rules are

followed. This contest will be advertised in the WFDA’s monthly publications.

The WFDA also agrees to provide $500,000 of Liability Insurance, under our

blanket policy. Copies of this policy are available upon request.

The host shall be bound to run this tournament according to the WFDA Rules

& By-laws to the best of their ability. The Host shall read and understand the

Rulebook especially all Safety Rules, Competition Rules, and Part V Host

Requirements. The Host agrees to run the contest as advertised, have

timing equipment in good Working order, and supply an ample staff to

administrate this event. The Host will contact the local police department and

inform them of the event and secure any permits, if necessary. Only wax bullets

and blanks are to be allowed in the shooting area, No Live Ammo. The Host will

provide adequate backstops in accordance with WFDA Rules. The Host shall

have all prize money, trophies and other advertised awards available for

presentation immediately after completion of the competition.

The Sponsor agrees to provide the sum of $ _________________ to the Host

no later than ______________________ . The Sponsor agrees to provide a

contest site acceptable to the Host under the guidelines as set forth in The

WFDA Rulebook. The Sponsor shall provide an A/C power source acceptable to

the Host.

Please fill out appropriate spaces and sign this contract. Upon receipt of

this contract, prize structure, dates, events, and sanction fee. The Sanction

will be granted by the WFDA. After the WFDA approves this contract a copy

will be sent to all parties. Please include names, addresses, and phone

numbers of all parties. The Sponsor or Host may cancel a sanction no later

than ninety (90) days prior to the scheduled contest, in writing, without

recourse. Sanction Fees are non-refundable.



“The Fastest and Safest Gun Sport in the World”




















City / State / Zip:


Phone: _____________________________ Fax:









City / State / Zip:


Phone: _____________________________ Fax:


World Fast Draw Association

Sanctioning Officer:








City / State / Zip:


Phone: _____________________________ Fax:


Sponsor Signature:


Host Signature:


Officer Signature:






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