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MLGC 2006 Results & Match Rules.

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January Results

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April Results

May Results

June Results

July Results

August Results

September Results

October 2006



MLGC 2006 Year End Standings


Mother Lode Gun Club Action Pistol Match Rules

AP match rules are generally based on the rules set forth in the current USPSA Practical Shooting Handbook. Our primary goal is to HAVE FUN, so we operate under “relaxed” rules, varying somewhat from USPSA guidelines. Although our intent is to have fun, SAFETY rules are strictly enforced to ensure a safe environment for competitors and spectators alike. Match rules will apply to all in attendance.  Here are some specific rules that we follow. New rules are in red color.  Note: this is not intended to be a complete list of MLGCAP rules. If questions arise, please ask for clarification from a match official.



  • ALL competitors, guests and spectators (i.e., including children) must wear eye and ear protection during MLGCAP matches.
  • Each holster to be utilized must cover the firearm trigger. The belt utilized to support the holster and accessories must be worn at waist level (exception: ladies may wear their belts at hip-bone level).
  • “Junior” class competitors will not holster or draw a firearm; they will start each run with their firearm in a safe condition, pointed downrange.
  • Firearms may only be handled in the designated Safety Area, which is located behind the storage shed on the MLGC 25-50 yard range, where the MLGCAP matches are held. This includes removing firearms from carrying bags, practice draws, dry firing, etc. NO ammunition may be handled in the Safety Area. Empty firearms may be placed and retained in holsters by Adult competitors, as long as they are not handled outside the Safety Area. Firearms may only be loaded when instructed by the Range Officer (R.O.) to “load and make ready” at the firing line.
  • “Junior” Class competitors may not wear firearms at any time. They may handle a firearm in the Safety Area only when accompanied by a responsible Adult. Two adults must oversee each “Junior” Class match run. One R.O. will bring the Youth’s firearm and ammo out to the shooting line and assist in loading and preparing for the run. During the course run, this R.O. will assist the Youth as necessary.  The second R.O. will officiate the run.
  • Each Adult competitor new to MLGCAP must participate in a safety orientation prior to their first match run. Each “Junior” Class competitor must participate in a safety orientation prior to each MLGCAP match. The R.O.s will determine if special conditions apply to any competitor, and those conditions must be followed.
  • When a firearm is handled at the firing line, or while engaging a course of fire, the muzzle of the firearm will remain downrange at all times. When facing directly downrange, a shooter may not exceed a 90 degree swing left from center front or a 90 degree swing right from center front with the muzzle (this is commonly called the “180 degree rule”).
  • At no time is a shooter to “sweep” his/her body with the firearm muzzle.
  • A shooter is to keep his/her trigger finger outside of the trigger guard at all times, except when engaging targets during the course of fire. This includes, but is not limited to, moving between shooting strings or shooting boxes during the course of fire, clearing jams and reloading the firearm.
  • The R.O. oversees each course run. The R.O. may instruct the shooter to halt during a run due to factors such as safety, range equipment failure, etc. The R.O.’s directions must be followed IMMEDIATELY by the shooter.
  • The R.O. has the authority to disqualify a competitor and/or request a competitor to leave the range.



  • All “Open” Class semi-auto firearm competitors will compete in the same classification.
  • “Limited” Class semi-auto firearm competitors will compete in “Master”, “A”, “B” or “C” classification, as determined by periodic classification calculations by the match officials.
  • Adult competitors new to MLGCAP, or those that have been absent from MLGCAP for an extended period of time will start as “Unclassified” in the “Limited” Class for a minimum of three matches.  This Class is a staging area, and does not have a year-end award; plus only one match point is awarded for each match attended toward year-end awards.
  • The “Junior” classification is a test class, and may be withdrawn at any time. “Junior” Class competitors must be under the age of 13, and there is no minimum age. However, all “Junior” competitors must be pre-approved by the R.O.s prior to competing, and special conditions may apply (see Safety section above).
  • There are no “Open” or “Limited” Class revolver classifications. All revolver competitors will compete together in “Revolver” classification, as appropriate (except “Junior” Class).
  • Each “Unclassified” competitor in the “Limited” class will be classified by the R.O. following their participation in at least three matches.
  • Overall classification determinations will be made by the R.O. during the year as he sees necessary to maintain a fair & equal classification. If a shooter is recommended to be reclassified at a lower level (e.g., from “B” class to “C” class), s/he may remain at the higher classification level, with the approval of the R.O.
  • Reclassified shooters will carry monthly match points into their new classification, but not to exceed one point below the current leader in the new classification. For example, Joe Blank is reclassified from “C” to “B” class. He earned 12 monthly match points in “C” class prior to his reclassification.  The current leader in “B” class has 11 points. Joe’s total match points carried into “B” class would be 10 points, one point below the current class leader. Note: This would also be true if Joe Blank was reclassified from “B” to “C” class. He would carry match points into “C”, but not to exceed one point below the current leader in “C” class.



  • “Open” and “Limited” class firearms must be at least 9x19 mm caliber (except “Junior” class).
  • Major and minor power factor categories are not utilized at MLGCAP matches. Any firearm with  porting, compensator and/or electronic sights will be designated as an “Open” class firearm (except “Junior” class).
  • “Junior” class firearms may be any rimfire or centerfire caliber considered by the R.O. to be safe for the course at hand. Since this classification is for inexperienced Youth, a light-recoiling firearm is recommended (e.g., .22LR, .25 Auto, .32 Auto, .380 Auto). “Production”, “Limited” or “Open”-style semi-auto handguns and revolvers may be utilized in this class.



  • MLGCAP matches are scored under the Comstock Count method, where the total score (minus penalties) is divided by the total time. No maximum number of fired rounds shall be stipulated.
  • Targets not having the minimum number of required hits will be penalized by 10 points for each “miss”.
  • Course procedural errors will be penalized by 10 points for each occurrence.
  • When a competitor does not engage every target with at least one round, excluding disappearing targets, a procedural penalty will be declared for each such target, plus appropriate “miss” penalties.
  • “No Shoot” hits will be penalized by 10 points for each hit.


Course Runs

  • Competitors may make numerous course runs, as classifications allow (except “Juniors”).
  • Competitors who arrive after 10:00 a.m. to sign up for a match may only shoot one “for score” run.
  • Competitors’ “first gun” runs will take place in the order of match sign-up. The order of “second” and subsequent course runs will be affected by competitors’ equipment sharing, late sign-ups and other factors beyond the control of the match officials.
  • “Practice” or “fun runs” must follow all runs “made for score” AT THE END OF THE MATCH. providing there is enough time.  THIS IS AT THE R Os discretion.   
  • When a “weak” or “strong hand” hold is required as part of a course of fire, the shooter may utilize both hands to disengage the safety, correct a malfunction, and/or reload the firearm without penalty.


Entry Fees

  • An Adult competitor’s first run “for score” will be at $11.00, with each subsequent run “for score” at $9.00. “Junior”,  and “Fun” runs will be at $5.00 each. An Adult competitor shooting in both “Open” and “Unclassified” classifications will pay a total of $16.00. A Youth competitor shooting in both a “Junior” and a “Fun” run will pay a total of $10.00.



  • Plaques or similar awards will be presented to the top three places in each classification,  plus “match winner” at each monthly match, assuming adequate funds are available to cover expenses. Juniors will be through fifth place.
  • Year-end awards will be presented to the top three eligible competitors in each classification, except “Unclassified”, based on monthly match points accumulated by competitors. Year-end awards will be presented to all eligible “Junior” Class competitors (see eligibility rule below).  Match points are awarded as follows: match winner – 5.  Other places will be awarded 1 point per person in that class up to four points for first.  Disqualified (DQ) runs will not be awarded monthly match points.  “Zero score” and “Unclassified” runs will each be awarded 1 monthly match point.
  • A competitor must shoot in at least six (6) MLGCAP monthly matches “for score” to be eligible for a year-end award in a classification in that year.  “Junior” Class shooters must shoot in at least three (3) MLGCAP monthly matches “for score” to be eligible for a year-end award in that year.
  • In the event of year-end ties for the top places in any classification, except “Unclassified”, eligible competitors will perform a “shoot-off” under the direction of the match officials to determine year-end places.