Central Calif. Pistol League (Fresno)


January 10, 1999


Central California Pistol League, Fresno, California.  (CN04 - Area II)

(CCPL) classifies their shooters with current USPSA / IPSC classification

NOTE:  This match was calculated using MS Score 6.3 to obtain Overall Match Results.  Overall results reported for information purposes only, many shooters like to know how they stack up in an overall configuration. 

The match was then re-calculated using the new MS Score 6.4 software patch.   It conforms to the new IPSC Rule concerning scoring matches with Modified (Open) and Standard (Limited) Divisions as separate matches. 


| Modified | Standard | Modified Stage | Standard Stage |

Overall Standings

    PERCENT  POINTS  FACTOR  # NAME                     TEAM  C D L TAG         

  1 100.00  716.4469   -     3 Charlie Granger                G M   OPN  A-08037
  2  86.44  619.2891   -    18 Joe Reinsch                    M M   OPN  A27824 
  3  78.83  564.7678   -     2 Max Flora                      B M   OPN  TY22463
  4  77.05  552.0383   -     4 Brad Wilsted                   A M   OPN  A23533 
  5  76.99  551.5728   -    22 Francis Carlos                 M M   OPN  A-11385
  6  76.35  547.0190   -     9 Sheryl Cruz                    A M L OPN  TY30037
  7  73.54  526.8896   -     5 Ray Echols                     G M   OPN  A24921 
  8  71.94  515.4093   -     8 Frank Cruz Jr                  M M   OPN  L1658  
  9  67.01  480.0848   -    14 Guss Keith                     U M   OPN         
 10  66.44  476.0367   -    19 Sandy Matthews                 A S        A35625 
 11  63.72  456.5384   -    33 Ron Skelton                    B S        A-29599
 12  63.44  454.4982   -    31 Mike Brechmann                 C S        A37556 
 13  62.37  446.8303   -     6 Chuck D'Arcy-Clark             B S        A-33424
 14  60.01  429.9342   -    16 Robert Doi                     C S        A37060 
 15  59.88  429.0342   -    15 Dick Conway                    C S        A38110 
 16  58.25  417.3598   -    24 Bruce Whitacre                 B M   OPN  A-23407
 17  58.01  415.6390   -    12 Anthony Alberti                C S        TY34920
 18  57.05  408.6998   -    20 Ronald Manfredi                B M   OPN  A-19150
 19  56.99  408.2828   -    25 Jim Adler                      C S               
 20  55.48  397.5115   -     7 Tom Desouza                    C M   OPN  A8904  
 21  54.25  388.6507   -     1 James Patrick                  C M   OPN  A37776 
 22  53.52  383.4616   -    11 Lisa Reinsch                   C M L OPN  A35316 
 23  53.37  382.3657   -    23 Brad Ott                       B M   OPN  A-27078
 24  53.24  381.4260   -    21 Lee Rowe                       A S        A34139 
 25  52.48  376.0033   -    26 James Aubuchon                 C S        A37013 
 26  52.26  374.4100   -    28 Bob Engellenner                A S        A19688 
 27  50.83  364.1777   -    10 Rich Walker                    C M   OPN  A29318 
 28  49.57  355.1077   -    30 Ronnie Lindegren               C S        A38655 
 29  48.11  344.6728   -    17 Jim Hauenstein                 U S               
 30  44.70  320.2768   -    13 Everett Rabbon                 C S        A38568 
 31  31.69  227.0684   -    29 Ron Lindegren                  U M   OPN  A38567 
 32  29.07  208.2817   -    34 Gery Harron                    U S               
 33  22.84  163.6535   -    32 Chuck Barsuglia                C S        TY39231
 34  14.29  102.3994   -    27 Shelia Davis                   U S L

                           GRAND MASTER CLASS RESULTS
                                ALL COMPETITORS 

             TOTAL     COMPETITOR
    PERCENT  POINTS    # NAME                      AFFILIATION          C L TAG

  1 100.00  716.4469   3 Charlie Granger                                G   OPN
  2  73.54  526.8896   5 Ray Echols                                     G   OPN

                              MASTER CLASS RESULTS
                                ALL COMPETITORS 

             TOTAL     COMPETITOR
    PERCENT  POINTS    # NAME                      AFFILIATION          C L TAG

  1 100.00  619.2891  18 Joe Reinsch                                    M   OPN
  2  89.07  551.5728  22 Francis Carlos                                 M   OPN
  3  83.23  515.4093   8 Frank Cruz Jr                                  M   OPN

                                A CLASS RESULTS
                                ALL COMPETITORS 

             TOTAL     COMPETITOR
    PERCENT  POINTS    # NAME                      AFFILIATION          C L TAG

  1 100.00  552.0383   4 Brad Wilsted                                   A   OPN
  2  99.09  547.0190   9 Sheryl Cruz                                    A L OPN
  3  86.23  476.0367  19 Sandy Matthews                                 A      
  4  69.09  381.4260  21 Lee Rowe                                       A      
  5  67.82  374.4100  28 Bob Engellenner                                A      

                                B CLASS RESULTS
                                ALL COMPETITORS 

             TOTAL     COMPETITOR
    PERCENT  POINTS    # NAME                      AFFILIATION          C L TAG

  1 100.00  564.7678   2 Max Flora                                      B   OPN
  2  80.84  456.5384  33 Ron Skelton                                    B      
  3  79.12  446.8303   6 Chuck D'Arcy-Clark                             B      
  4  73.90  417.3598  24 Bruce Whitacre                                 B   OPN
  5  72.37  408.6998  20 Ronald Manfredi                                B   OPN
  6  67.70  382.3657  23 Brad Ott                                       B   OPN

                                C CLASS RESULTS
                                ALL COMPETITORS 

             TOTAL     COMPETITOR
    PERCENT  POINTS    # NAME                      AFFILIATION          C L TAG

  1 100.00  454.4982  31 Mike Brechmann                                 C      
  2  94.60  429.9342  16 Robert Doi                                     C      
  3  94.40  429.0342  15 Dick Conway                                    C      
  4  91.45  415.6390  12 Anthony Alberti                                C      
  5  89.83  408.2828  25 Jim Adler                                      C      
  6  87.46  397.5115   7 Tom Desouza                                    C   OPN
  7  85.51  388.6507   1 James Patrick                                  C   OPN
  8  84.37  383.4616  11 Lisa Reinsch                                   C L OPN
  9  82.73  376.0033  26 James Aubuchon                                 C      
 10  80.13  364.1777  10 Rich Walker                                    C   OPN
 11  78.13  355.1077  30 Ronnie Lindegren                               C      
 12  70.47  320.2768  13 Everett Rabbon                                 C      
 13  36.01  163.6535  32 Chuck Barsuglia                                C      

                                 LADIES RESULTS
                                ALL COMPETITORS 

             TOTAL     COMPETITOR
    PERCENT  POINTS    # NAME                      AFFILIATION          C L TAG

  1 100.00  547.0190   9 Sheryl Cruz                                    A L OPN
  2  70.10  383.4616  11 Lisa Reinsch                                   C L OPN
  3  18.72  102.3994  27 Shelia Davis                                   U L




February 14, 1999


Central California Pistol League, Fresno, California.  (CN04 - Area II)

(CCPL) classifies their shooters with current USPSA / IPSC classification

NOTE:  This match was calculated using MS Score 6.3 to obtain Overall Match Results.  Overall results reported for information purposes only, many shooters like to know how they stack up in an overall configuration.  

The match was then re-calculated using the new MS Score 6.4 software patch.   It conforms to the new IPSC Rule concerning scoring matches with Modified (Open) and Standard (Limited) Divisions as separate matches. 


| Modified | Standard | Modified Stage | Standard Stage |

Overall Standings

    PERCENT  POINTS  FACTOR  # NAME                     TEAM  C D L TAG         

  1 100.00  684.6054   -    11 Charlie Granger                G M   OPN  TY08037
  2  99.63  682.1040   -    30 Frank Cruz Jr                  M M   OPN  L1658  
  3  90.74  621.1967   -    16 Francis Carlos                 M M   OPN  A-11385
  4  85.65  586.3388   -    25 Joe Reinsch                    M M   OPN  A27824 
  5  85.45  584.9747   -    18 Brad Wilsted                   A M   OPN  A23533 
  6  70.83  484.8999   -    12 Max Flora                      A M   OPN  TY22463
  7  70.42  482.1197   -    34 David Littman                  B S        A31091 
  8  70.30  481.2496   -    13 Ray Echols                     G M   OPN  A24921 
  9  67.80  464.1336   -    26 Lee Rowe                       A S        A34139 
 10  67.58  462.6335   -    31 Sheryl Cruz                    A M L OPN  TY30037
 11  66.07  452.2883   -    35 Dan Qualls                     B M   OPN  A34845 
 12  61.74  422.6827   -    17 Walter Lile                    C M   OPN  TY35888
 13  61.33  419.8707   -    21 Dick Conway                    C S        A38110 
 14  59.00  403.8834   -    37 Ron Skelton                    B S        A-29599
 15  57.58  394.1906   -    32 Bob Engellenner                B S        A19688 
 16  55.87  382.5223   -     7 Kent Le Barts                  A M   OPN  TY4052 
 17  54.41  372.5184   -    15 David Starr                    U M   OPN         
 18  53.44  365.8523   -     9 Ronnie Lindegren               C S        A38655 
 19  53.16  363.9652   -     5 Jim Hauenstein                 U S               
 20  52.76  361.2018   -     1 Anthony Alberti                C S        TY34920
 21  51.40  351.8941   -    28 Ronald Manfredi                B M   OPN  A19150 
 22  51.24  350.8249   -    29 Chuck D'Arcy-Clark             B S        A-33424
 23  50.76  347.4728   -    33 Kathy Littman                  C M L OPN  TY31090
 24  46.68  319.6022   -    19 Dave Madrigal                  D S        A39252 
 25  46.32  317.1395   -     4 Bruce Sumruld                  U S        A39454 
 26  45.10  308.7578   -    24 Lisa Reinsch                   C M L OPN  A35316 
 27  43.81  299.9349   -    23 Ron Lindegren                  D M   OPN  A22567 
 28  41.20  282.0245   -    22 Chuck Barsuglia                C S        TY39231
 29  41.09  281.2766   -     2 James Patrick                  C M   OPN  A37776 
 30  39.40  269.7075   -    27 James Aubuchon                 C S        A37013 
 31  30.64  209.7335   -    20 Tom Rowe                       U S               
 32  28.53  195.2913   -    36 Bob Martin                     U S        A40077 
 33  27.92  191.1332   -     6 Laurie Anderson                D S L      A35077 
 34  24.65  168.7787   -    10 Eric Titus                     U S               
 35  19.12  130.8879   -    14 Chris Moore                    C S        A-36590
 DQ                    -     3 Ted Conway                     A M   OPN  A24959 
 DQ                    -     8 Guss Keith                     U M   OPN




March 14, 1999

Open Match Results

Central California Pistol League, Fresno, California.  (CN04 - Area II)

(CCPL) classifies their shooters with current USPSA / IPSC classification

NOTE:  This match was calculated using MS Score 6.3 to obtain Overall Match Results.  Overall results reported for information purposes only, many shooters like to know how they stack up in an overall configuration.  

The match was then re-calculated using the new MS Score 6.4 software patch.   It conforms to the new IPSC Rule concerning scoring matches with Modified (Open) and Standard (Limited) Divisions as separate matches. 


| Overall | Overall Stage | Modified | Modified Stage | Standard | Standard Stage |

Overall Combined

    PERCENT  POINTS  FACTOR  # NAME                     TEAM  C D L TAG         

  1 100.00  577.4187   -    31 Frank Cruz Jr                  M M   OPN  L1658  
  2  96.74  558.6024   -    16 Charlie Granger                G M   OPN  TY08037
  3  88.74  512.4064   -    13 Joe Reinsch                    M M   OPN  A27824 
  4  81.80  472.3400   -    26 Brad Wilsted                   A M   OPN  A23533 
  5  81.06  468.0378   -    15 Max Flora                      A M   OPN  TY22463
  6  78.27  451.9531   -    36 Johnny Lim                     A M   OPN  TY23606
  7  77.65  448.3578   -    11 Dwayne Kawakami                B M   OPN  A30043 
  8  74.21  428.5163   -    38 David Littman                  C M   OPN  A31091 
  9  71.74  414.2147   -    23 Ray Echols                     G M   OPN  A24921 
 10  70.47  406.8978   -    32 Sheryl Cruz                    A M L OPN  TY30037
 11  68.65  396.3924   -    30 Dick Conway                    C S        A38110 
 12  68.09  393.1364   -    21 Lee Rowe                       A S        A34139 
 13  67.34  388.8483   -     4 Ted Conway                     M S        A-24959
 14  66.28  382.6897   -    22 Tom Rowe                       U S        A40061 
 15  59.91  345.9240   -    29 Walter Lile                    C M   OPN  TY35888
 16  58.87  339.9420   -    12 Lisa Reinsch                   C M L OPN  A35316 
 17  55.83  322.3990   -    18 Dennis Thornbury               C M   OPN  A27797 
 18  55.76  321.9500   -    40 Ron Skelton                    B S        A29599 
 19  55.58  320.9390   -     7 Chuck D'Arcy-Clarke            B S        A33424 
 20  55.56  320.7981   -    24 Ronnie Lindegren               C S        A38655 
 21  54.37  313.9683   -     6 David Starr                    U M   OPN  A40381 
 22  50.86  293.6507   -     5 Anthony Alberti                C S        TY34920
 23  49.76  287.3032   -     1 Kent Le Barts                  A M   OPN  TY4052 
 24  49.53  286.0091   -    20 Eddy Dice                      C S        FY29119
 25  47.40  273.6966   -    25 Chuck Barsuglia                C S        TY39231
 26  46.32  267.4486   -    27 James Patrick                  C M   OPN  A37776 
 27  46.21  266.8142   -    34 Ronald Manfredi                B M   OPN  A19150 
 28  45.94  265.2887   -    37 Kathy Littman                  C M L OPN  TY31090
 29  45.84  264.6690   -     9 Laurie Anderson                D S L      A35077 
 30  44.38  256.2847   -    39 Ken Yoshimune                  C S        TY20729
 31  43.42  250.7431   -    33 Kurt Grimes                    U S               
 32  43.13  249.0283   -    17 Steve Abbott                   C M   OPN  TY24814
 33  40.46  233.6352   -    35 James Aubuchon                 C S        A37013 
 34  30.74  177.4991   -    19 Joseph Ramos                   U S               
 35  24.71  142.6969   -    14 Severo Hernando                C M   OPN  FY35341
 36  15.57   89.9168   -    28 Ron Lindegren                  D M        A38567 
 37  11.13   64.2803   -     3 John Jarrett                   U S               
 38   9.64   55.6705   -     2 Chris Jarrett                  U S               
 39   7.50   43.3038   -     8 C J Hochevar                   U S

                           GRAND MASTER CLASS RESULTS
                                ALL COMPETITORS 

             TOTAL     COMPETITOR
    PERCENT  POINTS    # NAME                      AFFILIATION          C L TAG

  1 100.00  558.6024  16 Charlie Granger                                G   OPN
  2  74.15  414.2147  23 Ray Echols                                     G   OPN

                              MASTER CLASS RESULTS
                                ALL COMPETITORS 

             TOTAL     COMPETITOR
    PERCENT  POINTS    # NAME                      AFFILIATION          C L TAG

  1 100.00  577.4187  31 Frank Cruz Jr                                  M   OPN
  2  88.74  512.4064  13 Joe Reinsch                                    M   OPN
  3  67.34  388.8483   4 Ted Conway                                     M      

                                A CLASS RESULTS
                                ALL COMPETITORS 

             TOTAL     COMPETITOR
    PERCENT  POINTS    # NAME                      AFFILIATION          C L TAG

  1 100.00  472.3400  26 Brad Wilsted                                   A   OPN
  2  99.09  468.0378  15 Max Flora                                      A   OPN
  3  95.68  451.9531  36 Johnny Lim                                     A   OPN
  4  86.15  406.8978  32 Sheryl Cruz                                    A L OPN
  5  83.23  393.1364  21 Lee Rowe                                       A      
  6  60.83  287.3032   1 Kent Le Barts                                  A   OPN

                                B CLASS RESULTS
                                ALL COMPETITORS 

             TOTAL     COMPETITOR
    PERCENT  POINTS    # NAME                      AFFILIATION          C L TAG

  1 100.00  448.3578  11 Dwayne Kawakami                                B   OPN
  2  71.81  321.9500  40 Ron Skelton                                    B      
  3  71.58  320.9390   7 Chuck D'Arcy-Clarke                            B      
  4  59.51  266.8142  34 Ronald Manfredi                                B   OPN

                                C CLASS RESULTS
                                ALL COMPETITORS 

             TOTAL     COMPETITOR
    PERCENT  POINTS    # NAME                      AFFILIATION          C L TAG

  1 100.00  428.5163  38 David Littman                                  C   OPN
  2  92.50  396.3924  30 Dick Conway                                    C      
  3  80.73  345.9240  29 Walter Lile                                    C   OPN
  4  79.33  339.9420  12 Lisa Reinsch                                   C L OPN
  5  75.24  322.3990  18 Dennis Thornbury                               C   OPN
  6  74.86  320.7981  24 Ronnie Lindegren                               C      
  7  68.53  293.6507   5 Anthony Alberti                                C      
  8  66.74  286.0091  20 Eddy Dice                                      C      
  9  63.87  273.6966  25 Chuck Barsuglia                                C      
 10  62.41  267.4486  27 James Patrick                                  C   OPN
 11  61.91  265.2887  37 Kathy Littman                                  C L OPN
 12  59.81  256.2847  39 Ken Yoshimune                                  C      
 13  58.11  249.0283  17 Steve Abbott                                   C   OPN
 14  54.52  233.6352  35 James Aubuchon                                 C      
 15  33.30  142.6969  14 Severo Hernando                                C   OPN

                                D CLASS RESULTS
                                ALL COMPETITORS 

             TOTAL     COMPETITOR
    PERCENT  POINTS    # NAME                      AFFILIATION          C L TAG

  1 100.00  264.6690   9 Laurie Anderson                                D L    
  2  33.97   89.9168  28 Ron Lindegren                                  D      

                               OPEN CLASS RESULTS
                                ALL COMPETITORS 

             TOTAL     COMPETITOR
    PERCENT  POINTS    # NAME                      AFFILIATION          C L TAG

  1 100.00  382.6897  22 Tom Rowe                                       U      
  2  82.04  313.9683   6 David Starr                                    U   OPN
  3  65.52  250.7431  33 Kurt Grimes                                    U      
  4  46.38  177.4991  19 Joseph Ramos                                   U      
  5  16.80   64.2803   3 John Jarrett                                   U      
  6  14.55   55.6705   2 Chris Jarrett                                  U      
  7  11.32   43.3038   8 C J Hochevar                                   U      

                                 LADIES RESULTS
                                ALL COMPETITORS 

             TOTAL     COMPETITOR
    PERCENT  POINTS    # NAME                      AFFILIATION          C L TAG

  1 100.00  406.8978  32 Sheryl Cruz                                    A L OPN
  2  83.54  339.9420  12 Lisa Reinsch                                   C L OPN
  3  65.20  265.2887  37 Kathy Littman                                  C L OPN
  4  65.05  264.6690   9 Laurie Anderson                                D L


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